What a fucking week. It can be summed up by saying that my best mate and I almost died in a car crash, hence the absence for a few days.
I am fine, just a few bruises and a majorly swollen ankle from where it got stuck under the brake pedal, the shock was the worst part, my body has been coping by sleeping for hours on end the past few days. My self-esteem/pride/confidence probably suffered the most damage, the crash was my fault. I'll post some pics when I can be bothered.
Hadn't heard back from the Boy regarding coffee but by sheer freaky coincidence bumped into him in town last night. We literally walked into each other. I was such a doofus, first I thought about running away but then he was like 'Hey' and I was like 'Hey' and he was like 'Still wanna go for coffee' and I was all 'Yeah sure' and he said 'Name a time and a place, you're off Monday and Tuesday?' as I'd sent him a msg saying those were my days off. I ummed and ahhed and then said that Tuesday would be the best for me as I had a car crash and have to catch public transport and Monday is a public holiday here. Um, Ehren, could you be any dorkier?
Anyway, my friends were already out the door, and I was nervous as hell, so I started walking away and said 'I chose the day you choose time and place, you have my number msg me' and was off like a flash. So, when I get home I'm thinking what and idiot was and that I should have been firm and Allana calls me and asks if I've msg'd him and I say no should I and she says yes make a time and a place now so I send him a msg saying it was nice to run into him pity it was at a dodgy nightclub and did 1pm Tuesday suit him, but I still couldn't think of a place that made good coffee so I told him to do that part.
Now I am at the over-analysing stage again. He hasn't msg'd me back, but he's obviously been getting my msg's as he made that comment about my days off. I figure that's it's a great sign that he stopped me at the club, whereas if he wasn't interested he could have just kept walking or just said hi and been done with it. But then I think well why hasn't he msg'd me back? Maybe he has no credit? But couldn't he borrow someone else's phone? Ah, I hate feeling like this. I know I should try and play it cool but it's so hard! I hate being in the dark. I don't want to seem pushy, but it is the day after tomorrow we're supposed to be meeting. Do you think I should
a) call him on Tuesday morning and
casually see if we are on for that
b) send him a msg saying be here at
this time or the hamster gets it and
just rock up and see if he turns up?
c) do nothing until I hear from him?
In other news, I found Blink 182 'Dude Ranch' in one of the playlists on the computer and am listening to it as I type this. Man I used to love that band. 1998 was a great year in my life. Brings back good memories. I forgot how much I loved their earlier stuff. Isn't it weird how certain pieces of music and different smells can transport you back to times past so vividly?
So yeah, I worked one day this week plus the weekend, and I have tomorrow and Tuesday off. Awesome.
I was driving my grandfather's car when the crash happened. Mine was in for a service and I was borrowing his for the day. The car got totally written off, it was a little Suzuki Swift. Turns out that his insurnace might not cover me, so I'm going to be stuck in Darwin for a lot longer now. Which I really don't mind, I've decided that I might even put my savings towards buying my own place. If I decided to move later on I will use it as an investment property.
Happy white-anglo religious crap.
I am fine, just a few bruises and a majorly swollen ankle from where it got stuck under the brake pedal, the shock was the worst part, my body has been coping by sleeping for hours on end the past few days. My self-esteem/pride/confidence probably suffered the most damage, the crash was my fault. I'll post some pics when I can be bothered.

Hadn't heard back from the Boy regarding coffee but by sheer freaky coincidence bumped into him in town last night. We literally walked into each other. I was such a doofus, first I thought about running away but then he was like 'Hey' and I was like 'Hey' and he was like 'Still wanna go for coffee' and I was all 'Yeah sure' and he said 'Name a time and a place, you're off Monday and Tuesday?' as I'd sent him a msg saying those were my days off. I ummed and ahhed and then said that Tuesday would be the best for me as I had a car crash and have to catch public transport and Monday is a public holiday here. Um, Ehren, could you be any dorkier?

Now I am at the over-analysing stage again. He hasn't msg'd me back, but he's obviously been getting my msg's as he made that comment about my days off. I figure that's it's a great sign that he stopped me at the club, whereas if he wasn't interested he could have just kept walking or just said hi and been done with it. But then I think well why hasn't he msg'd me back? Maybe he has no credit? But couldn't he borrow someone else's phone? Ah, I hate feeling like this. I know I should try and play it cool but it's so hard! I hate being in the dark. I don't want to seem pushy, but it is the day after tomorrow we're supposed to be meeting. Do you think I should
a) call him on Tuesday morning and
casually see if we are on for that
b) send him a msg saying be here at
this time or the hamster gets it and
just rock up and see if he turns up?
c) do nothing until I hear from him?
In other news, I found Blink 182 'Dude Ranch' in one of the playlists on the computer and am listening to it as I type this. Man I used to love that band. 1998 was a great year in my life. Brings back good memories. I forgot how much I loved their earlier stuff. Isn't it weird how certain pieces of music and different smells can transport you back to times past so vividly?
So yeah, I worked one day this week plus the weekend, and I have tomorrow and Tuesday off. Awesome.
I was driving my grandfather's car when the crash happened. Mine was in for a service and I was borrowing his for the day. The car got totally written off, it was a little Suzuki Swift. Turns out that his insurnace might not cover me, so I'm going to be stuck in Darwin for a lot longer now. Which I really don't mind, I've decided that I might even put my savings towards buying my own place. If I decided to move later on I will use it as an investment property.
Happy white-anglo religious crap.

oh im sorry, but glad that youre fine. sometimes you need luck and you seem to have some. hope you're feeling better soon, i guess it can take a while. havent heard from you in a long time, i think i did reply your last message, huh... well, whatever it doesnt matter just thought i'd just say hello. again.

btw, i havent heard the bronx album yet, but people says they sound a bit like refused. thats always good... im going to see them live later this summer anyway. xo