I've been a bit slack lately. Actually, au contrair (pardon my French), to be correct, I would say that I have been quite busy in other aspects of my life, hence neglecting the SG side of things.
The past few days have seen me make some big desicions, no. 1 being that I have now postponed my trip until probably October for a number of reasons, but I am very happy with my decision. It feels right.
No. 2 is that I finally made contact with a guy that has been my big romantic fantasy for months now and I only did it because I was going away and thought 'Fuck it, you may as well see what comes of it, if you get rejected you're leaving anyway.' I am normally a very outgoing person, but whenever I see said person I have a bad habit of just turning to jelly and my heart does those little backflip thingys...I don't even know the poor guy!
Just to look at he is SO my type though.
So yeah, never in my wildest dreams did I think of approaching him, but the whole 'going overseas purge all your baggage' thing kinda got me. Ha ha, just my luck that I change my mind a couple of days later and decide that I'm staying!
Anyway, so the story goes, I obtain his number from a secret source, already knew his name and was pretty certain he knew who I was as I'd seen him walk past the shop a few times and sneak a peek in at me. So I msg him and say who I am and where I work and ask if he wants to go for a drink at some stage during the next week, not really expecting anything to come of it. A few hours later and still no word, I cut my losses. But then, lo and behold, my phone beeps, and it's a msg from him! He knew who I was and asked if maybe I would like to go out for coffee sometime. Couldn't believe it. Then I get another msg saying that he was pretty busy for the rest of the week and would let me know later on.
So now I have a dilemma. I tend to over-analyse things, and now I'm thinking 'well he said sometime and then he told me he was busy so he's really not that interested and I should just give up' but then I think 'but he did msg back and if he really wasn't interested he wouldn't have replied once let alone write me a couple of msg's'. Argh!
It's Monday now, it was last Thursday night when I heard from him. He walked past the shop twice today, I think that's a good thing, but maybe it's just coincidence. I told him to come in and say hi if he was going past, he didn't, but maybe he's just as nervous as me. I certainly would not go out and say hi myself. All my friends are like 'how the hell are you going to have coffee with him if you can't even look at him without turning into a soppy blob?' Man, it's like we're both too shy to do anything about it. This is never going to go anywhere!
Anyone else ever been in a similar predicament? Any advice?
The past few days have seen me make some big desicions, no. 1 being that I have now postponed my trip until probably October for a number of reasons, but I am very happy with my decision. It feels right.
No. 2 is that I finally made contact with a guy that has been my big romantic fantasy for months now and I only did it because I was going away and thought 'Fuck it, you may as well see what comes of it, if you get rejected you're leaving anyway.' I am normally a very outgoing person, but whenever I see said person I have a bad habit of just turning to jelly and my heart does those little backflip thingys...I don't even know the poor guy!

Just to look at he is SO my type though.

So yeah, never in my wildest dreams did I think of approaching him, but the whole 'going overseas purge all your baggage' thing kinda got me. Ha ha, just my luck that I change my mind a couple of days later and decide that I'm staying!

Anyway, so the story goes, I obtain his number from a secret source, already knew his name and was pretty certain he knew who I was as I'd seen him walk past the shop a few times and sneak a peek in at me. So I msg him and say who I am and where I work and ask if he wants to go for a drink at some stage during the next week, not really expecting anything to come of it. A few hours later and still no word, I cut my losses. But then, lo and behold, my phone beeps, and it's a msg from him! He knew who I was and asked if maybe I would like to go out for coffee sometime. Couldn't believe it. Then I get another msg saying that he was pretty busy for the rest of the week and would let me know later on.
So now I have a dilemma. I tend to over-analyse things, and now I'm thinking 'well he said sometime and then he told me he was busy so he's really not that interested and I should just give up' but then I think 'but he did msg back and if he really wasn't interested he wouldn't have replied once let alone write me a couple of msg's'. Argh!

It's Monday now, it was last Thursday night when I heard from him. He walked past the shop twice today, I think that's a good thing, but maybe it's just coincidence. I told him to come in and say hi if he was going past, he didn't, but maybe he's just as nervous as me. I certainly would not go out and say hi myself. All my friends are like 'how the hell are you going to have coffee with him if you can't even look at him without turning into a soppy blob?' Man, it's like we're both too shy to do anything about it. This is never going to go anywhere!
Anyone else ever been in a similar predicament? Any advice?
I like YOU and he will turn to mush...
I am one of those girls who have done a lot of stupid stuff to get a guy so i think i can help you out by telling you not to try the things i've tried. one being...do not sweat a guy....sit pretty....heh someone will notice you....if you've sent him messages and if he's not like a moth to the flame (the flame being you)...don't sweat it.....the guy who really digs you will come to you because it will drive him crazy to miss out on getting to know you....make sense? if not...i apoligize darlin....take care