The weather here is awesome at the moment. I love it when it's overcast. Sunny weather is so overrated...
Today was my day off. I started sorting out some of my visa stuff. Went and deposited some money in the bank and enquired about opening an account in the UK. Supposedly it's quite hard. You can't just walk in with 3 points of ID like we do here. I'm finding the application process for obtaining a visa quite daunting. Not that I have anything to worry about, but the questions they ask kind of make you feel as though you have done, or are planning to do, something illegal. You know like when you see a police car you automattically feel guilty even if you haven't done so much as litter in your life, ever?
Did that make sense?

And I've been hearing all these stories about going through customs, and how you shouldn't carry hard copies of your resume or pack any type of 'work' clothes in your luggage as they can send you back home if they think you are going to be working anything other than 'temp' jobs. Although I think this is only if you are on a working visa, whereas I am hoping to be granted an ancestry visa.
Oh man I'm sounding like one of those wimpy people that I can't stand! JUST GET OUT AND DO IT DAMMIT ERIN!!!!
That's more like me!
Nothing really exciting has happened in the past few days. I'm back at work again, and other than that, I've been staying home and saving my money, so no tales of drunken-ness and debauchery. Which reminds me, I still haven't got my camera off Bronte, but when I do I will post some pics. Now off to make a hot chocolate, read a book and enjoy this lovely weather.
Well i've never been overseas so i can't help you out with the customs thingy