So my best friend's wedding went SHA-BAM good. It was awesome...
I cried...
I always cry at weddings...
I dont know who cried more, me or her.
I WILL have pics up for this shortly... I know how excited all of you will be to see me in... horror!... a dress...
I got really loaded and danced with my darling Raven.
She behaved wonderfully and looked adorable in her flower girl dress.
I even sucked my date into dancing with me. God he is gorgeous.... I am so determined to get a piece of THAT ass.
I will DEFINITLY post some pics of that guy...
I also met a VERY interesting woman there... and it was freaky... and not just because I was drunk. She was the fiance of the DJ and she came right up to me and said, "You have water all around you, bury your feet in the soil and white lightening will come from your palms."
Normally I would have been freaked out hardcore about this, buuuuuuuuuuuut, since I was drunk... I started talking to her.
I thought I was going nuts for a while, she had my life figured out to a "t". She gave the initials to certain friends, read my tarot cards and gave me crazy advice. She was right about soo much of my life, it was spooky. Even my friends were surprised when I told them what she had pointed out about their lives. And... when we went to go look for her after... they had already left... I was kind of disappointed.
So that was my fun evening. I left out the parts about me trying to sleep in the parking lot on the ground and shouting out "I'm Rick James BITCH"... those are best forgotten
I cried...
I always cry at weddings...
I dont know who cried more, me or her.
I WILL have pics up for this shortly... I know how excited all of you will be to see me in... horror!... a dress...

I got really loaded and danced with my darling Raven.
She behaved wonderfully and looked adorable in her flower girl dress.
I even sucked my date into dancing with me. God he is gorgeous.... I am so determined to get a piece of THAT ass.
I will DEFINITLY post some pics of that guy...
I also met a VERY interesting woman there... and it was freaky... and not just because I was drunk. She was the fiance of the DJ and she came right up to me and said, "You have water all around you, bury your feet in the soil and white lightening will come from your palms."
Normally I would have been freaked out hardcore about this, buuuuuuuuuuuut, since I was drunk... I started talking to her.
I thought I was going nuts for a while, she had my life figured out to a "t". She gave the initials to certain friends, read my tarot cards and gave me crazy advice. She was right about soo much of my life, it was spooky. Even my friends were surprised when I told them what she had pointed out about their lives. And... when we went to go look for her after... they had already left... I was kind of disappointed.
So that was my fun evening. I left out the parts about me trying to sleep in the parking lot on the ground and shouting out "I'm Rick James BITCH"... those are best forgotten

sounds like an awfully fun time....

I think that's so cool! Cool of you to help raise her, I mean, not cool that her mom ran away.