So i offically applied to college again round two coming up!! haha im really hoping i get in and do well because i have to do well to be able to take my degree for nursing everyone cross their fingers and toes for me please that i get in!!
I also have an interview today at chapters the book store cross your fingers for me...
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I also have an interview today at chapters the book store cross your fingers for me...
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hey there,
sooo umm not a whole heap is new i went to yoga today for the first time in ages im super unflexible it's rediculous and i had belly dancing today frig it's hard like seriously it looks super easy just shaking around and shit but it's tricky when your learning the technicals of it! I love it still though i'll try to get...
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sooo umm not a whole heap is new i went to yoga today for the first time in ages im super unflexible it's rediculous and i had belly dancing today frig it's hard like seriously it looks super easy just shaking around and shit but it's tricky when your learning the technicals of it! I love it still though i'll try to get...
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as long as you like it thats all that matters means your more likely to stick with it
I'm so excited I'm going for a mini roadtrip to Toronto tomorrow and i get to buy some new bellydancing garb! hizzah! i'm stoked. Hi ho hi ho it's off to T.O we go...

oooh you belly dance? I love belly dance. What style do you do? I hope you post pictures of your new garb for us

belly dancing eh? how exotic
Cute picture
you know, I've been Canadian my entire life and I'm probably the only one that has never seen a moose in RL before. I feel a little deprived

nope i havent either ive seen em in the zoo and stuff but i mostly frequent city scapes:/
Going to see swoon worthy Dallas green TODAY! fuck yeah check it out!! im so stoked best friend+dallas green + toronto= SAWESOME(super awesome) times!

how was the show
thats awsome what were you doin there
Hey there all or nothing, whomever it is that ive been writing these to, im having a horribly lethargic day im feel alone and abandoned its just one of those sinking feelings that i cant seem to shake off. Ive moved back and im wondering why im doubting myself and what is feeling like a lack of good friends that i thought were? i dunno.....
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aw dont feel alone. i know what its like but theres always at least one person around that can make you feel a little less alone, and if there isnt find someone or something to make you feel less alone
thank you!

Yay i got my car its lovely! i went to eat love pray tonight it was good but the book(as always ) is way better! Im having a really complacent day today i just feel left out and lonely boo. Ill get over it, i hope.

GOing to get my car today, going to get my car! whoop !

what kinda car ya gettin'?
what kinda car ya gettin'?
I got a 97 sunfire GT its pretty sweet !! i llike it!