i believe i asked you guys to remind me not read the boards? i guess you are slipping on your duties.
a lot of shit going on right now makes me sick. that is all.
i really like to play poker. some of you may know that. my friend and i are teaching ourselves how to do tricks with the chips. i have the shuffle down pretty well and i understand how to do a chip twirl. i did it once, but my fingers are too small i think. i did a knuckle roll last night too. maybe someday you will see me on the world poker tour doing my chip tricks and winning a million dollars. okay, okay.... maybe not.

a lot of shit going on right now makes me sick. that is all.
i really like to play poker. some of you may know that. my friend and i are teaching ourselves how to do tricks with the chips. i have the shuffle down pretty well and i understand how to do a chip twirl. i did it once, but my fingers are too small i think. i did a knuckle roll last night too. maybe someday you will see me on the world poker tour doing my chip tricks and winning a million dollars. okay, okay.... maybe not.

went all in with 3 7's and the fucker who called me got a straight on the river!
how do you call 2000 with nothing???