thank you everyone for your concern. i'm okay, just dealing with some stuff that i am having a hard time with. i am pretty detached from here right now, but i just love everyone on my friend's list so much i have to stop in and let you know i still love you even thought i'm nt around as much. i'm not going to go into detail as to why i'm not around... i'm just not.
there is a lot of good things that have happened, i have just kind of gotten consumed by the bad.
*i have the most wonderful boyfriend, family, and friends in the entire world.
*my amazing boyfriend sent me beautiful flowers at work on friday.
*i will be in ny and in the arms of my hunny in 9 days.
*i got to see gpk, trixie, chloe, olivia, s5, and le the other night. (
*my grandma is doing a little better and isn't being as mean as she was.
*i have 2 beautiful healthy nieces whom i would do anything for.
so i'm just treading along trying not to let the water go over my head. i'm getting tired, but i think it will be ok. thanks again everyone. *so much love*
i just had to add that i just found out i get to meet edea when i am in ny. *&%@!#(!%^%#@($#%(@!$(#@!($@!($#%@(#%(!%#@^!
i am so fucking excited. i love that girl to pieces and i finally get to meet her.
there is a lot of good things that have happened, i have just kind of gotten consumed by the bad.
*i have the most wonderful boyfriend, family, and friends in the entire world.
*my amazing boyfriend sent me beautiful flowers at work on friday.
*i will be in ny and in the arms of my hunny in 9 days.
*i got to see gpk, trixie, chloe, olivia, s5, and le the other night. (

*my grandma is doing a little better and isn't being as mean as she was.
*i have 2 beautiful healthy nieces whom i would do anything for.
so i'm just treading along trying not to let the water go over my head. i'm getting tired, but i think it will be ok. thanks again everyone. *so much love*

i just had to add that i just found out i get to meet edea when i am in ny. *&%@!#(!%^%#@($#%(@!$(#@!($@!($#%@(#%(!%#@^!
i am so fucking excited. i love that girl to pieces and i finally get to meet her.

i think you are fantabulous.
happy holidays sweets