I had a meeting with the filmmaker guy tonight at Stardust. I had vegan chili w/ tempeh (what the hell is tempeh? tempeh is weird-tasting bullshit) and a glass of wine and said "uh-huh, great" alot. I guess we have a deal. I will be in his film getting tattooed and talking about girl power or something. We will shoot a scene there after hours which will probably be starting at 1 am.
My husband just smacked my ass really hard because I went outside to smoke. Smoking is bad. Even the cat gave me a dirty look.
I have alot to do tomorrow. I feel a little overwhelmed. I should look forward to the free tattoo work, though. I want to get the ivy on my stomach added on to. I just don't remember liking the tattoo needle hitting my ribs, though. I have some Art Deco flower designs in mind. I love that style.
My client at the spa tonight was so out of it that she grabbed my keys by mistake. I had a minor freak out, but then she tracked me down at Stardust after I had gotten a ride there and gave them back.
Liz Phair is further corrupting my mind.
Ugh. I'm so tired. Someone turn off my brain so I can sleep.
Love, miss_lady
My husband just smacked my ass really hard because I went outside to smoke. Smoking is bad. Even the cat gave me a dirty look.
I have alot to do tomorrow. I feel a little overwhelmed. I should look forward to the free tattoo work, though. I want to get the ivy on my stomach added on to. I just don't remember liking the tattoo needle hitting my ribs, though. I have some Art Deco flower designs in mind. I love that style.
My client at the spa tonight was so out of it that she grabbed my keys by mistake. I had a minor freak out, but then she tracked me down at Stardust after I had gotten a ride there and gave them back.
Liz Phair is further corrupting my mind.
Ugh. I'm so tired. Someone turn off my brain so I can sleep.
Love, miss_lady
Bad girl! Bad Bad!