I think I'll be nice and give my husband a massage. He always complains that I hurt him, though.
Cleaning, drinking coffee, rocking out to the 24 Hour Party People soundtrack (still!). Here To Stay by New Order, swoon!.....
Who is this man
That follows me
This blue eyed boy
Who wants to be
Oh yeah, it's Halloween. Maybe I should go buy candy for those little bastards--I mean--darling trick or treaters. I never ever ever buy candy to just have around. My mom gave me candy at Christmas that I still have.
I need to learn to THROW THINGS AWAY. That, and a jar of mincemeat pie filling that my mum-in-law pawned off on us. Double puke.
I had a really good Halloween a couple years ago w/ 2 of my best friends. We were White Ho, Black Ho, and Don Ho (our Hawaiian pimp). My friend Kesha had super-long clip-on weave, and she fashioned "pimp hair" out of it for her ferret w/ some sort of chin strap so it would stay on him. She had a party that lasted for 2 days and it was unbelieveable. I think I was the only person who helped her clean up.
I don't really do anything for Halloween now. I guess I would if I had kids. I wore kitty ears to my spa last year. That was as crazy as things got.
Well, I should go do something domestic.
Love, miss_lady
******************Monday morning*****************
Everyone needs more Stuart in their lives:

Cleaning, drinking coffee, rocking out to the 24 Hour Party People soundtrack (still!). Here To Stay by New Order, swoon!.....
Who is this man
That follows me
This blue eyed boy
Who wants to be

Oh yeah, it's Halloween. Maybe I should go buy candy for those little bastards--I mean--darling trick or treaters. I never ever ever buy candy to just have around. My mom gave me candy at Christmas that I still have.

I had a really good Halloween a couple years ago w/ 2 of my best friends. We were White Ho, Black Ho, and Don Ho (our Hawaiian pimp). My friend Kesha had super-long clip-on weave, and she fashioned "pimp hair" out of it for her ferret w/ some sort of chin strap so it would stay on him. She had a party that lasted for 2 days and it was unbelieveable. I think I was the only person who helped her clean up.
I don't really do anything for Halloween now. I guess I would if I had kids. I wore kitty ears to my spa last year. That was as crazy as things got.
Well, I should go do something domestic.
Love, miss_lady
******************Monday morning*****************
Everyone needs more Stuart in their lives:


Aw shucks! Thats my first get well card! Thanks baby, I feel better already.
Ahhh, good job. I'll be asking again to be sure...after three right?