I was back at the gay club last night after a lovely dinner with friends. I thought my arms were going to fall off after doing 7 massages yesterday, but ya gotta have a social life. Saw my friend who's the owner, and he said the most beautiful words in the English language to my friend and I: "Put it all on my tab."
When drinks are $8/ea, this means alot. I saw a creepy acquaintance there, one of these guys who thinks he's Mr. Smooth Yuppie but really just a jackass, and he got mad at me for not seeing him at the bar. Ok, admittedly I'm in my own little world alot of the time, but when some beautiful muscle boy wearing a thong is dancing on the bar ("No teabagging!") in front of you, you don't always notice anyone else. My friend Keri said "It's like we've been waiting for this place our whole lives....this is our Babylon" (Queer As Folk reference). We were almost a little choked up
. Someone said we were beautiful lesbians---hey, I'll take it! We did a bit of dancing, taking note of some pretty tweaked-out people around us. Drugs at a gay club? Stop the presses! The most mind-altering thing we had were Cosmopolitans. Drugs are so OVER.
It's my last day at the spa I work at. I don't want a big fuss, cuz that's not my style. It was enough for me that my friend who's the innkeeper at the hotel (spa is in hotel) started to cry when I said I was quitting she said "I like you so much. You always come and find my cleaning cart and talk to me, and it brightens my day. You're the only one here who asks about my kids back in Estonia. Everyone else wants something, but you just want to talk to me." I started tearing up, too. I hope I don't lose touch with this woman. We have a fairly small staff (let's refrain from saying "like a family"
) and I will miss everyone except my boss and her little sidekick the nail girl. The nail girl has always blah blah blahed her life to me, then rats me out when I don't observe the "arrive 1/2 hour before your shifts starts so you can get 'zen'" rule (which the boss doesn't follow). At least I've enjoyed working at the best spa in Orlando, and I've enjoyed working in a place where tattoos and piercings are more the norm than not. My boss and I could have been friends (and she's SG material with her billion tattoos and dreads!) but we're both too headstrong and stubborn with our ideas of how a place should be run. It's time to get out now while everything is still civil, and before I get another lecture about how I need to "love everyone"
. Save the hippy bullshit, sister. I may not "love" everyone, but at least I do not call them "cunts" behind their backs. You always know where you stand with me.
So I'm going into the great unknown of self-employment. I think I'll reward myself by going out again tonight.
Woah. I haven't even had coffee yet. Hopefully this is not full of typos
The husband's back from his DJ gig in Dallas tonight, yay! I'll get to watch him sleep.
Today's Music:
Interpol. Soooo sexy. Need to hear the Antics album.
Today's Thought:
Will you make my coffee for me?
Love, miss lady
*****Later that day*****
I told my massage room goodbye at work a few hours ago, and cried a little. My boss thanked me for "excellent service", which was nice to hear better late than never.
I feel sad. I'm sure 10 hours of sleep would help, but instead I'm gonna drag my tired ass to da club.
Oh, fuck it. I'm not going anywhere. I have a date with the shower massager, then I'm going to bed
A friend of mine is supposed to join SG tonight.....Wo sind Sie, Vati? Hast, I'm hier gebohrt.

It's my last day at the spa I work at. I don't want a big fuss, cuz that's not my style. It was enough for me that my friend who's the innkeeper at the hotel (spa is in hotel) started to cry when I said I was quitting she said "I like you so much. You always come and find my cleaning cart and talk to me, and it brightens my day. You're the only one here who asks about my kids back in Estonia. Everyone else wants something, but you just want to talk to me." I started tearing up, too. I hope I don't lose touch with this woman. We have a fairly small staff (let's refrain from saying "like a family"

So I'm going into the great unknown of self-employment. I think I'll reward myself by going out again tonight.

Woah. I haven't even had coffee yet. Hopefully this is not full of typos

The husband's back from his DJ gig in Dallas tonight, yay! I'll get to watch him sleep.
Today's Music:
Interpol. Soooo sexy. Need to hear the Antics album.
Today's Thought:
Will you make my coffee for me?
Love, miss lady

*****Later that day*****
I told my massage room goodbye at work a few hours ago, and cried a little. My boss thanked me for "excellent service", which was nice to hear better late than never.
I feel sad. I'm sure 10 hours of sleep would help, but instead I'm gonna drag my tired ass to da club.
Oh, fuck it. I'm not going anywhere. I have a date with the shower massager, then I'm going to bed

Hey did you ever see those online GI Joe PSAs? I know one of Joe's team is also into body massage.
Me not feeling so good. Think I'll head off to bed. Butt-stimulating commentary will have to wait, I'm afraid.