Claritin kicked my ass earlier today. I'm not as tough as I thought I was. My husband had to manually close my mouth because I was watching TV completely slack-jawed and didn't realise it. 3 kitties running around who I can't resist kissing all the time has sent my allergies into overdrive. Now I'm still in my Claritin-fog, wondering how I ever handled those hardcore "designer drugs" you used to hear about on 20/20.
Thanks to our friend Sven who was here for the weekend, and set me up w/ my own Uber Komputer. The guys forgot to spray-paint it pink and cover it w/ SG stickers as they have promised, though. Now I am hidden away in a spare bedroom w/ the almost 2' long catfish named Meow to keep me company. There's other assorted fish in the aquarium, who have not been eaten yet, and a whole lotta snails. Man, they sure do like to reproduce!
I turned down a job offer today because I felt like I would have been selling my soul. I'd been mulling this over for a week, thinking it would be a great opportunity to co-own a spa, but also thinking my future business partner may not be very scrupulous. I thought about the carrot he dangled when he said I could be making 6 figures soon. I also thought about how he told it to my chest. He was disappointed but civil when I declined his offer today. It feels good to say no sometimes, especially to people who are not used to hearing it. So I'm not rich yet, but that's ok. It's just a matter of time, and then free memberships for everybody! Wait, don't hold me to that.
I just had a scrumptous dessert: strawberries in microwaveable dark chocolate fondue. Don't you agree that it's such a pain in the ass to haul out the fondue pot, light the sterno can, lose your morsel in the fondue liquid when it falls off your spear, etc? Now there's a better way, for the supremely lazy like myself. You microwave the chocolate, and dip, baby, dip! Like they say on Mr. Show: "Lazy Are People 2". Damn skippy!
I gotta run to the Alternative Video Shoppe (which always smells like curry for some reason) to see if they have one of my favs The Idiots by Lars von Trier in stock. Check it out! Fun for the whole family. Ha ha ha ha ha. "Gang bang! Gang bang!"---so deliciously twisted.
Bye babies, your miss_lady
Thanks to our friend Sven who was here for the weekend, and set me up w/ my own Uber Komputer. The guys forgot to spray-paint it pink and cover it w/ SG stickers as they have promised, though. Now I am hidden away in a spare bedroom w/ the almost 2' long catfish named Meow to keep me company. There's other assorted fish in the aquarium, who have not been eaten yet, and a whole lotta snails. Man, they sure do like to reproduce!
I turned down a job offer today because I felt like I would have been selling my soul. I'd been mulling this over for a week, thinking it would be a great opportunity to co-own a spa, but also thinking my future business partner may not be very scrupulous. I thought about the carrot he dangled when he said I could be making 6 figures soon. I also thought about how he told it to my chest. He was disappointed but civil when I declined his offer today. It feels good to say no sometimes, especially to people who are not used to hearing it. So I'm not rich yet, but that's ok. It's just a matter of time, and then free memberships for everybody! Wait, don't hold me to that.
I just had a scrumptous dessert: strawberries in microwaveable dark chocolate fondue. Don't you agree that it's such a pain in the ass to haul out the fondue pot, light the sterno can, lose your morsel in the fondue liquid when it falls off your spear, etc? Now there's a better way, for the supremely lazy like myself. You microwave the chocolate, and dip, baby, dip! Like they say on Mr. Show: "Lazy Are People 2". Damn skippy!
I gotta run to the Alternative Video Shoppe (which always smells like curry for some reason) to see if they have one of my favs The Idiots by Lars von Trier in stock. Check it out! Fun for the whole family. Ha ha ha ha ha. "Gang bang! Gang bang!"---so deliciously twisted.
Bye babies, your miss_lady
I love Brendan, my hot little bottom boy slave... he likes it hard when I pound him... and stiffens... and we just colapse together... oh... boy boy sex.