Time for a real update!
Let's see....not alot going on, but loving my 3-day weekends again. I'm getting a chance to catch up on some movies, and so far I have not been disappointed. I'm very picky---I mean, look, I list Showgirls as a favorite! Ha ha
. I saw The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind last week and it was excellent. I love Michel Gondry from his work with Bjork, and I love that Jim Carrey's character was very human and only occasionally unintentionally funny. I saw most of Adaptation last night--also great. Party Monster with sweet little Macaulay Caulkin as a murderous club kid is next on the line up. I've been waiting for this movie for years...it seemes like the production got majorly delayed. I read the story of Michael Alig, enfant terrible, in Details when I must have been in high school, and I've been fascinated by him ever since. I mean, who kills their drug dealer, and then is brazen enough to make fliers for a party a few days later with a mock-murder scene? The Limelight, NYC back in the day when he ran things....I can only imagine the levels of depravity. I wonder if the family of Michael Alig's victim, Angel, is upset about the release of the film. Hopefully it will not completely glorify the excesses of Clubland, but will also show how some very wrong paths can be taken.
I want to check out some cars today, and 'pre-loved' would be just fine. McG is very sweet to say I have a 'pimped-out ride', but that's not quite the case!
I'm not exactly into car maintenance (the one area where I use the 'because I'm a girl' excuse) and the neglect is beginning to show. I have 2 friends w/ $400/mo car payments, and I don't want to get into any insanity like that. I just want something w/ a good system and enough vroom! for my aggressive driving. I have fantasies about owning a big F150 like me dear ol' dad, but I'll put that on hold for now. Mmmmm....big trucks
I have travel on the brain. I get wanderlust every couple of months it seems like. My friend in Seattle called me because he's organising a trip to Valencia, Spain for the summer of 2005. Not soon enough! Who plans trips more than a year in advance? He and I went to NYC a few years ago, and he laughed at me because I was washing my panties and bras in the sink the morning of our departure, and his goody-goody ass had been packed for 2 weeks! I don't plan ahead that much, I guess because I find being under pressure to be exciting. He said once in Spain we can take a ferry ride to EE-BEETH-A (Ibiza) aka, Party HQ of the World.
So, if you've read this far, please post pictures to me of a cool vacation you've had. I'll live vicariously through you for the moment.
Today's Song:
"Alone" by Colin Newman
Today's Underwear:
Today's Mood:
, K
Let's see....not alot going on, but loving my 3-day weekends again. I'm getting a chance to catch up on some movies, and so far I have not been disappointed. I'm very picky---I mean, look, I list Showgirls as a favorite! Ha ha

I want to check out some cars today, and 'pre-loved' would be just fine. McG is very sweet to say I have a 'pimped-out ride', but that's not quite the case!

I have travel on the brain. I get wanderlust every couple of months it seems like. My friend in Seattle called me because he's organising a trip to Valencia, Spain for the summer of 2005. Not soon enough! Who plans trips more than a year in advance? He and I went to NYC a few years ago, and he laughed at me because I was washing my panties and bras in the sink the morning of our departure, and his goody-goody ass had been packed for 2 weeks! I don't plan ahead that much, I guess because I find being under pressure to be exciting. He said once in Spain we can take a ferry ride to EE-BEETH-A (Ibiza) aka, Party HQ of the World.

So, if you've read this far, please post pictures to me of a cool vacation you've had. I'll live vicariously through you for the moment.
Today's Song:
"Alone" by Colin Newman
Today's Underwear:

Today's Mood:


the kitty's looking much better, his eye looks better... i think i'm going to get a kitty when i can afford to take care of it... i want a little friend prancing around my house to the rock and roll and disco glitz

hey O Ran Oishi, i updated my journal pic. woot for me!