I just got 12g bars put in my nipples a few hours ago. Nicci at Devotion here in Orlando did a great job, and was very professional and informative which put my mind at ease. I had a dream last night that I got my nipples pierced, and it is a full moon, so I had to do it. It didn't hurt so much as just feel intense, and my hands went numb. After the first one I started laughing, but tried not to sound crazy because I was afraid I'd unsettle her. 2 months to heal with no "saliva" or "horseplay"! I guess that's due to a bigger gauge, but I don't ever do anything subtle. Wish me luck on no cats jumping on my chest while I'm sleeping!
the wife
the wife

that was medway's wife as indicated by the last line 

How did I know about the slouching? Because I'm Uncle Sebbie!