Well, lets put that rather unfortunate festive season behind us eh? New Year was no better than Christmas due to excessive Valium consumption (the spell checker insisted I put a capital letter for Valium. How quaint). Thanks for all the sympathy for the murdered car, for those I haven't yet bragged to I am now the proud owner of a BMW E36, which my friends are taking bets on how long before I crash it while going sideways / backwards due to it being my very first rear wheel drive
On a more random note, following a rather strange phone conversation which doesn't really need documenting I started looking on youtube for vids of leaping salmon... The youtube community being what it is I found lots which got me to thinking that humans aren't all that dissimilar to salmon... check it out; there's no fucking way they're ever going to make it up that wall thing, but they just keep on throwing themselves at it! And I have to wonder... do they even know why they want to be up there?

On a more random note, following a rather strange phone conversation which doesn't really need documenting I started looking on youtube for vids of leaping salmon... The youtube community being what it is I found lots which got me to thinking that humans aren't all that dissimilar to salmon... check it out; there's no fucking way they're ever going to make it up that wall thing, but they just keep on throwing themselves at it! And I have to wonder... do they even know why they want to be up there?
I know I'd keep trying!
However, it does beg the question of why they can't just fuck downstream instead...