the questions plaguing me today
* I've got the rest of the day off work, should I tidy up and do something creative or should I stick a DVD on and stuff my face?
* Should I bleach my hair so I can get it red or will it fuck it up?
* Why is screen wash pouring out of the boot of the car? Why is it continuing even if I park it up a hill? Does screen wash defy gravity?
* Why couldn't Ortus find Charlie Brooker this morning?
* Why do I have so many boys after me but the one I like doesn't seem bothered?
* Should I declare I no longer celebrate Christmas or go through the fucking motions again?
* Why does anyone celebrate Christmas?
* Why does my mp3 player eat so many batteries?
* Should I sell my beloved Golf and get a BMW?
* Or should I succumb to peer pressure and modify the Golf?
* Have I got time to take on a whole PR campaign when I don't have time to think as it is?
* How have I ended up involved in PR at all?
* Why is the grass always greener?
* Where's my Odd Molly jewelled sheriff's badge brooch gone?
* Will I ever be rich without selling my body / soul / both?
* Once again, where has the pedal for the sewing machine gone? Why, in God's name, would I (or anyone!) have detached it from the sewing machine?
* Why do the two most-trickiest-to-buy-presents-for people in my life have their birthdays on the same day, and right before Christmas???
* What should I get them?
* Why do I say yes to things I don't want to do then have to either do them or come up with an after-the-fact excuse, why don't I just say 'I don't want to socialise with you thank you very much' in the first place?
* Who wants to see Sonic Boom Six with me?
* Is a weekend in Paris outside the FWB remit?
* Should I apply this job I've seen which is a lot more secure and sensible and better money but may be more boring and longer hours or should I stay with random and insecure but great experience and perks where I am?
* I've got that masochistic needle needing feeling, what should I get pierced?
* Is that person I saw in a car crash this morning OK?
* Where's my passport?
* Are the Korn tickets onsale yet? If so, where?!
* I've got the rest of the day off work, should I tidy up and do something creative or should I stick a DVD on and stuff my face?
* Should I bleach my hair so I can get it red or will it fuck it up?
* Why is screen wash pouring out of the boot of the car? Why is it continuing even if I park it up a hill? Does screen wash defy gravity?
* Why couldn't Ortus find Charlie Brooker this morning?
* Why do I have so many boys after me but the one I like doesn't seem bothered?
* Should I declare I no longer celebrate Christmas or go through the fucking motions again?
* Why does anyone celebrate Christmas?
* Why does my mp3 player eat so many batteries?
* Should I sell my beloved Golf and get a BMW?
* Or should I succumb to peer pressure and modify the Golf?
* Have I got time to take on a whole PR campaign when I don't have time to think as it is?
* How have I ended up involved in PR at all?
* Why is the grass always greener?
* Where's my Odd Molly jewelled sheriff's badge brooch gone?
* Will I ever be rich without selling my body / soul / both?
* Once again, where has the pedal for the sewing machine gone? Why, in God's name, would I (or anyone!) have detached it from the sewing machine?
* Why do the two most-trickiest-to-buy-presents-for people in my life have their birthdays on the same day, and right before Christmas???
* What should I get them?
* Why do I say yes to things I don't want to do then have to either do them or come up with an after-the-fact excuse, why don't I just say 'I don't want to socialise with you thank you very much' in the first place?
* Who wants to see Sonic Boom Six with me?
* Is a weekend in Paris outside the FWB remit?
* Should I apply this job I've seen which is a lot more secure and sensible and better money but may be more boring and longer hours or should I stay with random and insecure but great experience and perks where I am?
* I've got that masochistic needle needing feeling, what should I get pierced?
* Is that person I saw in a car crash this morning OK?
* Where's my passport?
* Are the Korn tickets onsale yet? If so, where?!

I was going to type something incredibly witty and funny, but its 11.58pm and I'm too tired

just came accross your blog. you still frustrated?