The guilty pleasures of miss_kitten
I know I shouldn't be I
Now I'm a committed veggie so I stay right away from McDonalds and the like, but Subway Veggie delights, on cheese and herb bread, with everything and extra mayo are SO DAMN FINE! Evil franchise schemes, crushing of small local businesses, homogenization of every high street in the country (and soon the world!), the murder of the souls of thousands of 'sandwich artists' the world over... All my fault. I pay for that. I'm going straight to hell.
Sex without a condom
I know, I know, it's practically suicide and I don't actually DO it, really, not generally. But it feels better, right? No interruption moment, no scrabbling around in wallets and bags, no 'is it inside out?', 'ouch', 'watch your finger nails on that!' or sudden floppies...
So, the handful of wars which aren't over religion (and don't even get me started on that) tend to be about oil. And wherever you stand on global warming, CO2 certainly isn't helping. Despite government attempts at curbing the use of the evil car via congestion charges and slapping the tax on the biggest, smelliest gas guzzlers (though how about centralising and subsidising public transport, hey Mr, Brown?) I'm still a fully paid up petrol head. Yet I feel bad about polar bears every time I overtake a souped up corsa or watch with childlike excitement as two dragsters rip along head to head in clouds of smoke. I probably feel a lot worse about the polar bears than I do about the 'sandwich artists'.
"If it seems to good to be true it probably is". I believe this saying applies to drugs more than anything else and I probably should have learned my lessons well by now, but it just gives me such lovely deep sleep!
Trashy Magazines
I actually HATE them. Heat, and the like, yet there is something ridiculously compelling about them. Do they impregnate the covers with MSG which absorbs through your fingers and hooks you in? Technically I do not care about how some washed up reality TV star slashed her wrists, or was a bitch in college, or is bulimic or whatever, but... well, I can't really read Kafka over a quick cup of tea at work with all the hustle and bustle around me can I? And I work as a magazine writer I should do as much research as I can and be aware of the whole market place.... And maybe there'll be something inspirational on the fashion pages. It's all lies damnit I want to read about her slashing her wrists! Argh!!!!
Yours guiltily,
I know I shouldn't be I

Now I'm a committed veggie so I stay right away from McDonalds and the like, but Subway Veggie delights, on cheese and herb bread, with everything and extra mayo are SO DAMN FINE! Evil franchise schemes, crushing of small local businesses, homogenization of every high street in the country (and soon the world!), the murder of the souls of thousands of 'sandwich artists' the world over... All my fault. I pay for that. I'm going straight to hell.
Sex without a condom
I know, I know, it's practically suicide and I don't actually DO it, really, not generally. But it feels better, right? No interruption moment, no scrabbling around in wallets and bags, no 'is it inside out?', 'ouch', 'watch your finger nails on that!' or sudden floppies...
So, the handful of wars which aren't over religion (and don't even get me started on that) tend to be about oil. And wherever you stand on global warming, CO2 certainly isn't helping. Despite government attempts at curbing the use of the evil car via congestion charges and slapping the tax on the biggest, smelliest gas guzzlers (though how about centralising and subsidising public transport, hey Mr, Brown?) I'm still a fully paid up petrol head. Yet I feel bad about polar bears every time I overtake a souped up corsa or watch with childlike excitement as two dragsters rip along head to head in clouds of smoke. I probably feel a lot worse about the polar bears than I do about the 'sandwich artists'.
"If it seems to good to be true it probably is". I believe this saying applies to drugs more than anything else and I probably should have learned my lessons well by now, but it just gives me such lovely deep sleep!
Trashy Magazines
I actually HATE them. Heat, and the like, yet there is something ridiculously compelling about them. Do they impregnate the covers with MSG which absorbs through your fingers and hooks you in? Technically I do not care about how some washed up reality TV star slashed her wrists, or was a bitch in college, or is bulimic or whatever, but... well, I can't really read Kafka over a quick cup of tea at work with all the hustle and bustle around me can I? And I work as a magazine writer I should do as much research as I can and be aware of the whole market place.... And maybe there'll be something inspirational on the fashion pages. It's all lies damnit I want to read about her slashing her wrists! Argh!!!!
Yours guiltily,

*I love subway, but there are so many good local sandwich bars where I work so I'm balancing your support of corporate evil!
*I admit to using the 'sorry I don't have protection' test with the last girl- she said it doesn't matter, I said sorry but no. Surefire way to know if somebody's thought it through or not.
Girls who don't know what they want... yeek.
*All wars are now about oil. Religion is such an over-used reason!
I don't drive so I'll even you out on that too!
*I don't trust drugs... mainly as I don't trust pharmacuticals.
*I'd read trashy mags if they really had pics of celbs slashing their wrists but otherwise no.
So it's OK, I just cancelled out your sins!
Can you cancel mine??
I still have to try your Sweet Chilli Mayo Mix.
"Mix two parts FULL FAT mayo with one part sweet chilli dipping sauce."
That should be on the cards soon.
Have a good week, honey.
x x x