How to wind up miss_kitten 101
OK, I like to have a little vent from time to time so here's how to drive me fucking mental:
* As previously mentioned, stand too close to me, particularly in queues. ARE YOU LISTENING OLD MAN AT THE BANK?!?!
* Likewise, drive too close to me. Are you blind? Control your vehicle! In fact, just fuck off.
* Give me a running commentary of what you are doing. If I want to know what you're doing I'll ask!
* Similarly, bombard me with information which does not apply to me. I expend enough energy processing the information which does apply to me! Ssssshhh!
* Take a pram or buggy into a shop and unapologetically get in everyone's god damn way. Are you trying to make my head explode?
* Hang a cutesy little sign in the back of your car saying 'baby on board', 'little person on board' or similar. Puke.
OK, I like to have a little vent from time to time so here's how to drive me fucking mental:
* As previously mentioned, stand too close to me, particularly in queues. ARE YOU LISTENING OLD MAN AT THE BANK?!?!
* Likewise, drive too close to me. Are you blind? Control your vehicle! In fact, just fuck off.
* Give me a running commentary of what you are doing. If I want to know what you're doing I'll ask!
* Similarly, bombard me with information which does not apply to me. I expend enough energy processing the information which does apply to me! Ssssshhh!
* Take a pram or buggy into a shop and unapologetically get in everyone's god damn way. Are you trying to make my head explode?
* Hang a cutesy little sign in the back of your car saying 'baby on board', 'little person on board' or similar. Puke.