Want to drive me completely mental? Really? Just stand too close to me in a queue. What is it with people? I have a really wide comfort zone of personal space with strangers (I think normal is about an arms length but mine is about twice that) but for some reason people like to stand waaaay closer than is polite, almost leaning on me, it makes me want to scream! How do I stop them doing it? Little body language moves like sticking my foot or bag out and pointedly taking a big step away do not work! Answers on postcard please.

Either that or develop really bad body odour. That'll keep them away.
He kinda took the hint... sorta. If you can figure out a sure fire way of making people stand away from you, be sure to let me know.
p.s. could be worse... was out with friends this last weekend and some completely odd girl came up to me from behind, and licked my elbow. What on earth is all that about?