Hey all. been having a pretty good week, been motorbike riding, working, playing with my friends and all sorts of stuff! Im free from my last relationship which is a plus. freedom is most tasty.
anywho, I must do a little promotion, please go and vote for my set here for second chance sunday!!! I dont think it has much of a chance as its a bit short, but ya never know! thanks! xoxoxoxox
but other then that, Im happy as a clam right now. Hope everyone out there finds a little happy joy.
edit: The set is not in its entirety! AND im aware I didnt spell Untitled right, actually did I spell entirety right? whatever.....
anywho, I must do a little promotion, please go and vote for my set here for second chance sunday!!! I dont think it has much of a chance as its a bit short, but ya never know! thanks! xoxoxoxox
but other then that, Im happy as a clam right now. Hope everyone out there finds a little happy joy.

edit: The set is not in its entirety! AND im aware I didnt spell Untitled right, actually did I spell entirety right? whatever.....
Top marks alone for that hair! Looks freakn sweet dude.
Glad to hear your life is in order