My beloved Swannies Lost the grand final. But its ok, I still love em. They just played like shite! In the last quarter I had to leave the room and have my boyfriend (A footy player himself but not a fan of watching the game, Odd) shout out the scores to me. He saw a whole new side of me that day, Screaming yelling and singing the swans theme at the tv. It was an amazing game, but the swans performance was terrible. The eagles won by one poibnt, Just like last year the swans won by a point. But thats enough of that.
Today im havin the slackest day ever. Its the first day of the holidays and im trying to get on to my boss so I can go to work at the school and get all the painting done before school goes back. I rang his wife and she was most upset! Too funny.
My puppy is kickin ass. Took her for a walk yesterday and sat in the beer garden in the sun, She was diggin holes, Attacking other doga and chewing anything in sight. Shes definately my girl haha
Adam went back to uni today and I already miss him hell be back on Friday, Not soon enough dammit! Ive never felt like this before and im stoked.
Here are some silly photos from the weekend. Speaking of photos, My set is still bein shopped, cant wait!

Carn Give us a kiss!
Today im havin the slackest day ever. Its the first day of the holidays and im trying to get on to my boss so I can go to work at the school and get all the painting done before school goes back. I rang his wife and she was most upset! Too funny.
My puppy is kickin ass. Took her for a walk yesterday and sat in the beer garden in the sun, She was diggin holes, Attacking other doga and chewing anything in sight. Shes definately my girl haha
Adam went back to uni today and I already miss him hell be back on Friday, Not soon enough dammit! Ive never felt like this before and im stoked.
Here are some silly photos from the weekend. Speaking of photos, My set is still bein shopped, cant wait!

Carn Give us a kiss!

I hope I can see more of your art soon as possible.
You got also pretty good taste of music.
I see you're a Kovenant enthousiast -- have you heard the samples from their next album?