As I struggle to keep my burning eyes open and nurse some beautiful new cuts and bruises, as well as a very tender new Septum peircing I reflect on the events of the past weekend. What a fucking hoot!
I travelled down to Melbourne on Thursday, and was Drunk after only a few hours with a complete stranger. Wjhen conversation began to tread into uncomfortable terrirory, I took of to catch up with Cos and Hushy. Those 2 bring out the worst (which also happens to be the best) Side of me. Alcohol was flowing freely, The conversation rocked, and everything was good. Bed at 12;00. A respectable time by anyones standards. Hushy had to be up for work at 4:00 a.m, and due to my teeth grinding the poor sweety didnt get any sleep! So he spent the rest of the weekend all shitty. Never mind.
The next day I trekked into the city to meet the divine MadDame! Love that girl. We missioned to her place, and painted, looked at photos and giggled alot. She trUly is the best.
when I got back to the Casa de Gospel, The boys wree resplenedent in their metal jackets, all lond brushed hair and tight tight jeans and bullet belts Mmmmmmm.... We caught a taxi into the city, and went to see the Sabasrockets at the green room. It was the first time ive been on a guest list and i could get used to it! It wasnt long until I was using Cos as a crutch, What a top bloke! We went to the Cherry bar, where i Spent alot of the time knocking over chairs and drinks. I saw Brutal Luke from Denouncement pyre looking less brutal in the gutter, Very rock. The poor sweety had worked and partied and played all week and had run himself ragged. Was good to see his drunk ass again!
Next up was Pony, The biggest goddamn dive EVER. THis is when I start to forget. I remeber snuggling up to Cos all night, and Hushy getting pissed about it. Thats about it. Then the sun started to rise
We took off with a girl Char and her fella marty, got into a fight with a cabby, and sat aroung drinking and talking about giving head until 12:00 pm, when Cos suddenly jumped up and said the cab was here. In no time it was night, our phones were ringing like mad but there was NO FUCKING WAY we were going out again! We watched Hamburgere Hill and i told the story of my great grandad who was a war hero. Good night..... Snore
The boys didnt move from their couches all the next day, So I took off to get the paper and ended up going to the footy and getting Drunk A-FUCKING-GAIN, returning home to 2 very surly tired grumpy hungry metal boys. I made them dinner, tucked them in, kissed them on forheads did the dishes and crashed and burned.
i didnt hear or see them the next day as they both work fucked hours, and i just had to get my head back into reality, so after watching some t.v i headed into the city to arrange my trip home. Stopping for a coffee at the ststion, i saw my dear freind hugh. we ended up going to the pub and knocked back 4 jugs of beer, talked some trash remenisced about high school and had a great time.
I got on the train and talked to Jehovas witnesses all the way home
Anyway, on the topic of reality. Steve Irwin is dead. crazy.
What a weekend.
I travelled down to Melbourne on Thursday, and was Drunk after only a few hours with a complete stranger. Wjhen conversation began to tread into uncomfortable terrirory, I took of to catch up with Cos and Hushy. Those 2 bring out the worst (which also happens to be the best) Side of me. Alcohol was flowing freely, The conversation rocked, and everything was good. Bed at 12;00. A respectable time by anyones standards. Hushy had to be up for work at 4:00 a.m, and due to my teeth grinding the poor sweety didnt get any sleep! So he spent the rest of the weekend all shitty. Never mind.
The next day I trekked into the city to meet the divine MadDame! Love that girl. We missioned to her place, and painted, looked at photos and giggled alot. She trUly is the best.

when I got back to the Casa de Gospel, The boys wree resplenedent in their metal jackets, all lond brushed hair and tight tight jeans and bullet belts Mmmmmmm.... We caught a taxi into the city, and went to see the Sabasrockets at the green room. It was the first time ive been on a guest list and i could get used to it! It wasnt long until I was using Cos as a crutch, What a top bloke! We went to the Cherry bar, where i Spent alot of the time knocking over chairs and drinks. I saw Brutal Luke from Denouncement pyre looking less brutal in the gutter, Very rock. The poor sweety had worked and partied and played all week and had run himself ragged. Was good to see his drunk ass again!
Next up was Pony, The biggest goddamn dive EVER. THis is when I start to forget. I remeber snuggling up to Cos all night, and Hushy getting pissed about it. Thats about it. Then the sun started to rise

We took off with a girl Char and her fella marty, got into a fight with a cabby, and sat aroung drinking and talking about giving head until 12:00 pm, when Cos suddenly jumped up and said the cab was here. In no time it was night, our phones were ringing like mad but there was NO FUCKING WAY we were going out again! We watched Hamburgere Hill and i told the story of my great grandad who was a war hero. Good night..... Snore
The boys didnt move from their couches all the next day, So I took off to get the paper and ended up going to the footy and getting Drunk A-FUCKING-GAIN, returning home to 2 very surly tired grumpy hungry metal boys. I made them dinner, tucked them in, kissed them on forheads did the dishes and crashed and burned.
i didnt hear or see them the next day as they both work fucked hours, and i just had to get my head back into reality, so after watching some t.v i headed into the city to arrange my trip home. Stopping for a coffee at the ststion, i saw my dear freind hugh. we ended up going to the pub and knocked back 4 jugs of beer, talked some trash remenisced about high school and had a great time.
I got on the train and talked to Jehovas witnesses all the way home
Anyway, on the topic of reality. Steve Irwin is dead. crazy.
What a weekend.
Must have missed you by a little bit.
Guess I'll have to meet you at the next one.