God damn it all to hell. One night of decadence and I've run myself down again and Im sick again. This time badly. I have the dreaded shingles!!!! and the fuckin things are on my face.
I feel like I'm gonna die, but still went to work today, felt like I was gonna die, come home to my mum bein her usual cunt self pushing me around. Then this guy Darron came over and made me look at this website his mate did with all this grahic art stuff. The thing is I dont have even the vaguest interest in Graphic arts. I cant do it, Im a painter and drawer. I dont do graphics!!!! But anywho, he thinks I'm gonna rush off to meet this person. Whatever.
But movin right along, one of the teachers at the school im doing the mural for said that there had been talk of cutting down any trees that block the veiw of the mural from the road which is pretty rockin! I'll post pics as soon as Its done
Man The shingles suck, Its an inflammation of the nerve endings that comes up in little sores. So you can just tell I look HOT. hahahha nope, no way. I look like absolute shit. And thats how I feel! But i know big tough guys that thought they were on their death beds with it. I stilllwent to work FUCK IM TOUGH INNIT!!!!!!
But anyway, I thought I'd share something with you hot sexy people that take the effort to read... I need a fuck so bad I could kill. Lady love is great, but I need a man!!!!! The other day at Gloria Jeans A guy bent down and I saw his lovely lower back and I just wanted to bite him!!! What the deuce? That aint normal. But anyway. I'll live. I still owe you a Pic of my luscious mohawk, but as you can probably imagine, I'm not feeling very photogenic at the moment!

But movin right along, one of the teachers at the school im doing the mural for said that there had been talk of cutting down any trees that block the veiw of the mural from the road which is pretty rockin! I'll post pics as soon as Its done

Man The shingles suck, Its an inflammation of the nerve endings that comes up in little sores. So you can just tell I look HOT. hahahha nope, no way. I look like absolute shit. And thats how I feel! But i know big tough guys that thought they were on their death beds with it. I stilllwent to work FUCK IM TOUGH INNIT!!!!!!

But anyway, I thought I'd share something with you hot sexy people that take the effort to read... I need a fuck so bad I could kill. Lady love is great, but I need a man!!!!! The other day at Gloria Jeans A guy bent down and I saw his lovely lower back and I just wanted to bite him!!! What the deuce? That aint normal. But anyway. I'll live. I still owe you a Pic of my luscious mohawk, but as you can probably imagine, I'm not feeling very photogenic at the moment!

cheers for adding me as friend, i appreciate it, hope ur shingles have cleared up
I haven't seen European Legions yet. Is it pretty good? You do know that Hellhammer is now the drummer for Dimmu Borgir right?