Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh.... after last night's delve into the quieter side of saturday nights I reveiw what has been a very constructive and relaxing weekend. I actually woke up at 7 a.m this morning, shook the cobwebs of a disturbing dream out of my brain and laid there listening to my dog stir in his kennel and the Currawongs squark happily as they stole his leftovers. Then it struck me... I'm cured!! I jumped out of bed with the energy I havent had for 2 months, promptly pulled on my chucks and went for a run. The chill air was so devine, and it reminded me how good it is to live in the country
I also spent the day turning a hienous skirt into some rad accessories, which was very enjoyable, before taking my dog and the neighbours dog for a run, that turned into a swim as well. Man dogs are cool!
Now, happily buggered, I chill in front of the computer while some brainless teen crap on t.v pours into my brain like force fed gruel. Arrr. But i need the background noise. There really needs to be a 24 hour Zim channel!

I also spent the day turning a hienous skirt into some rad accessories, which was very enjoyable, before taking my dog and the neighbours dog for a run, that turned into a swim as well. Man dogs are cool!