Well, I've been told that I don't update my blog enough. Why is this the case? Mostly because I don't really have anything exciting or entertaining to talk about.
I suppose I could go on, about how I've applied to SG twice now this year, and once again was not accpeted. I'm persistant though. I've decided to take some new pics at the end of the month and resubmit. That being said, I'm trying to figure out why they don't want cute lil' ol me?
Who's to say really.
Other than the whole SG thing, I'm just trying to stay warm in this -40 weather we're having here in Canada. Anyone up for keeping me company under my blanket?

Other than the whole SG thing, I'm just trying to stay warm in this -40 weather we're having here in Canada. Anyone up for keeping me company under my blanket?

Today was -15. This is the first break of nice weather we've had in a good long while. Still cold as Hell though. Glad to see KeepOnRawkin wants cuddle up with me!

man thats cold, never been anywhere that cold in my life, shame im so far away, id keep you warm