oh le boo hoo. so i'm feeling a little sick lately...incredibly fatigued and my throat's sore. going to the doc to have my throat swabbed for strep. paranoid like that. i hate being sick (i mean, who doesn't?) but man, especially not right nowwwwwwwwww! too much going on, dammit. my life's too fast-paced to slow down....seriously if i could be a cyborg i'd do it. cos all that time used for sleeping could be used towards getting more things done.
so i'm having a bit of drama going on; nothing too major...that's why i said a bit. anyway, i'm dating this guy, and as sweet and cute as he is we just hardly ever see each other (like once a week) and we've been together since oh...late february? our work schedules are just completely skewed and when we do have time to hang out we just have sex cos that's all i have time for. but lately he says he misses me a lot and when i told him i was sick he wanted to come over and bring me chicken soup and hug me. i don't know, maybe i'm just not used to someone caring about me this much. it's been a while. even though i'm lusting after someone else (been thinking about this other guy constantly) i just feel so bad because i'm not into this current guy as much as i want to be...oh well...i mean i'll give him a chance cos our schedules are going to ease up a bit and his cell phone will be connected again. he even reffered to himself as my guy. i was like, ulp.
anyway, hopefully i'll feel better enough to go to sketch comedy, since there may be one or two more people who may be interested in joining our little troupe.
gonna try to go to sleep...bye all.
so i'm having a bit of drama going on; nothing too major...that's why i said a bit. anyway, i'm dating this guy, and as sweet and cute as he is we just hardly ever see each other (like once a week) and we've been together since oh...late february? our work schedules are just completely skewed and when we do have time to hang out we just have sex cos that's all i have time for. but lately he says he misses me a lot and when i told him i was sick he wanted to come over and bring me chicken soup and hug me. i don't know, maybe i'm just not used to someone caring about me this much. it's been a while. even though i'm lusting after someone else (been thinking about this other guy constantly) i just feel so bad because i'm not into this current guy as much as i want to be...oh well...i mean i'll give him a chance cos our schedules are going to ease up a bit and his cell phone will be connected again. he even reffered to himself as my guy. i was like, ulp.
anyway, hopefully i'll feel better enough to go to sketch comedy, since there may be one or two more people who may be interested in joining our little troupe.
gonna try to go to sleep...bye all.
Awww.... feel better soon! 

wow that guy is getting serious.. Chicken soup is serious stuffs!!