1) I'm 29 y.o. And exactly at this age I decided to start my model career😜
2) I drink lots of water. Even at night.
3) I'm bisexual. I don't see any difference between men and women.
4) I'm a squeamish person. I'm always washing something. But I can pat a street cat anyway.
5) I really love anymals and plants. I have a dog, 3 cats and a rabbit at home. Oh! And fishes too.
6) I don't like coocing. My men cook for me ^^
7) I love running. But sometimes I'm lazy for it.
8) Despite of being polyamorous person, I'm very jealous.
9) Love being alone, love walking alone.
10 I always dreamed of my own horse. And still dream.
For @missy and @rambo ❤️