last night me and my girlfriend decided to be
just friends.... she's moving back to Atlanta
in the summer and her reason was if the
things with us progress she wouldn't be
able to, she'd be too attached...
"logical": I told her... and it is if you think about it..
but for some reason I really don't give a shit
at this point... not about fucking logic, cold
practicality or anything else... I just want her
to be with me... but you can also ask me this:
"Misha, why wouldn't you move with her, if you
want to be with her so much?"
And I would answer, smiling: "That just wouldn't
be logical and practical for me to move..."
I'm walking through the summer nights
Jukebox playing low
Yesterday everything was going too fast
Today, it's moving too slow
I got no place left to turn
I got nothing left to burn
Don't know if I saw you, if I would kiss you or kill you
It probably wouldn't matter to you anyhow
You left me standing in the doorway, crying
I got nothing to go back to now
just friends.... she's moving back to Atlanta
in the summer and her reason was if the
things with us progress she wouldn't be
able to, she'd be too attached...
"logical": I told her... and it is if you think about it..
but for some reason I really don't give a shit
at this point... not about fucking logic, cold
practicality or anything else... I just want her
to be with me... but you can also ask me this:
"Misha, why wouldn't you move with her, if you
want to be with her so much?"
And I would answer, smiling: "That just wouldn't
be logical and practical for me to move..."
I'm walking through the summer nights
Jukebox playing low
Yesterday everything was going too fast
Today, it's moving too slow
I got no place left to turn
I got nothing left to burn
Don't know if I saw you, if I would kiss you or kill you
It probably wouldn't matter to you anyhow
You left me standing in the doorway, crying
I got nothing to go back to now
umm my crush is penny. she is going to pittsburgh for school it is sad. i am going to la and she is leaving while i'm away. she isn't really my crush we are just in love. pittsburgh sucks but she will be in ny sometimes so i will just have to see her then. that is why she kidnapped me last night.