I went to see Whale Rider
last night at it was a good movie. I even shed
some tears or something... oh, and I don't remember when, maybe a couple of days ago I had a dream that my friends list was all gray... So today
I was pleasantly surprised to see it unchanged...
1. That's not right that i'm having dreams about this.
2. I mean it's waaaay not right...
last night at it was a good movie. I even shed
some tears or something... oh, and I don't remember when, maybe a couple of days ago I had a dream that my friends list was all gray... So today
I was pleasantly surprised to see it unchanged...
1. That's not right that i'm having dreams about this.
2. I mean it's waaaay not right...
do we need to get a life or what?
i am SO excited.
(love a boy that can cry for an evocative movie... so emo
i wink too much, especially since i'm not a winker. gaw.
i am smiling SO MUCH right now.
i have to shop tonight or i will never get it done. but i want to go home and water my plants.
i feel so mean that i've asked the boy to take care of them while i'm gone, but i think i may just bring them inside and turn the air to around 75 so they'll stay nice.
he's the most responsible person in my neighborhood that i know and making that statement is a sad sad reflection.
you're gonna look spiffy, so i want to at least look... presentable.
i tell you i was tempted to show up in house-clothes
i am acting ridiculous, misha.
(also, you don't have to return silly messages like the one i left you sunday. but thank you!
oh, but i think you SHOULD wear the tux, so i can tell who you are
this winking has GOT to stop. it's not even funny to ME anymore.
and for your information, i like to wear skirts A LOT... it's just comfy. not sticking to the crotch like pants, and if i get hot, i can just stand outside with my legs shoulder-width apart and let the breeze make it better. and i can sit crosslegged in style and comfort.
i'm not dressing up for YOU... psha (hehehe)
oh this is gonna be FUN, huh?
but i'm sad you'll have to work on a SATURDAY!
[Edited on Aug 04, 2003]