I stepped on glass while washing/waxing my car yesterday. I wasn't wearing shoes because I was at Mikes and I had some fairly new suade shoes on so I took them off. I didn't realize it was cut untill I stepped in a puddle of soap. Looked down and saw blood all over the driveway. I thought it was pretty funny.
I decided I am having a birthday party
+ if you're tired of paying so much for gas...gasbuddy.com Is pretty cool. You just type in your zip code and it will tell you gas prices in your area it's right too, I filled up at $2.11 yesterday
I decided I am having a birthday party
+ if you're tired of paying so much for gas...gasbuddy.com Is pretty cool. You just type in your zip code and it will tell you gas prices in your area it's right too, I filled up at $2.11 yesterday