The show last night was great. But the Halloween party wasn't. I got to see a few people I haven't seen in a long time and that was good. but the party wasn't very hoppin'.
I didn't have time to make my costume, so I didn't even try. I'll just use the idea next year and remember to make it early.
Halloween is just getting to be more and more of a disappointment. These kids suck. I remember when trick-or-treating lasted at least till 10. But now there aren't any kids out after 8. None of them have enthusiasm anyway. When I was a kid we used to fight on the porches for the first piece of candy, and race down the block to see who could get the most the fastest. One of the girls trick-or-treating replied "what's so good about it?" after Becky told her happy Halloween. What the crap is that. I almost made her give the candy back. Pretty soon they're just going to be too lazy to even go out.
katie's new set.
I didn't have time to make my costume, so I didn't even try. I'll just use the idea next year and remember to make it early.
Halloween is just getting to be more and more of a disappointment. These kids suck. I remember when trick-or-treating lasted at least till 10. But now there aren't any kids out after 8. None of them have enthusiasm anyway. When I was a kid we used to fight on the porches for the first piece of candy, and race down the block to see who could get the most the fastest. One of the girls trick-or-treating replied "what's so good about it?" after Becky told her happy Halloween. What the crap is that. I almost made her give the candy back. Pretty soon they're just going to be too lazy to even go out.

We didn'y have many candy hoggers. The ones we did have all came around 7pm, then they stopped.
I remember walking the streets for hours making a complete ass out of myself. Kids suck these days.