After being back in Germany for two weeks, I am truly realizing how much I have missed all of the traditional southern German dishes that I loved 14 years ago.

Maultaschen, Spätzle, Sauerbraten, Jägerschnitzel, and Vanilleeis mit himbeersoße.

Have any of you been or currently live in Germany? If so, what’s your favorites?

Kässpatzen und Semmelknödel mit Schwammerlsoße 😍 👌🏻
no, but I would like to try!

Some days I feel like I’m going off the rails.

Following things down endless trails

I feel like I’ve gotten off the path, leading nowhere

How’s it going to happen, would someone please share.

Having a loss of my consciousness, it seems so surreal

How do I change this endless feeling, how can it all be real?

Sending love and good vibes ❤️❤️❤️

Good day to all the lovely and beautiful people out there! I am on my way back to Germany, where I hope to run into some of you while I am there!

It’s been over 14 years since I last lived there, but I hope the smells and tastes of it have not changed too much! I’m ready for some good Bier, Jagerschnizel, pommes, and...
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When life throws lemons at you, throw them back, cause fuck lemonade!!!!

Though the last few days have been long and hectic, I have to admit that it’s the little things (namely my kids) that have kept me grounded, resilient and able to get up each morning and carry on. I am such a fortunate man to have them in my life and look forward...
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I master at making my life more difficult. I used to be a heavy drinker, and did a lot of stupid shit when I would drink. So I curbed my drink.

Then I have always had an issue with sex, which I am seeing a counselor for now, and am making steps, but I always seem to find crazy women to bring into my life,...
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I don't think you're that cause you feel it's not right and hostile. If you were all those things I think they would feel right

Back to it, after a nice long weekend, I am back at work dreading the day. We have inventories for leadership changes and god knows it’s going to be a rough day, let’s just hope not too painful!!!


Today, in the United States, we pay homage and respect to the Soldiers, Airmen, sailors, and marines that gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect and defend their nation. regardless of your beliefs and notions about the United States, I would like to give respect to those that died in the defense of whatever country they died for and hope that we can all regard them...
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So having just finished seeing Solo, I must say it was better than I expected. It ranks up there with the original 3 movies in my opinion, and is definitely not as camp or cliche as the newer 2 have been.

Anyone else have any thoughts or opinions on Solo, or any other movie in the soon to be gigantic Star Wars Cinematic Universe?

Since Disney bought it, the jokes were cut off like hands in the older movies ... Not sure if I will ever recover from that!
I hated all the stupid jokes in Last Jedi, that was a total disappointment to me, and episode 7 being almost a complete retelling of episode 4, as if we didn’t already know that storyline, made it unbearable.  I think the two Star Wars stories are better than the newer movies, as they bring a different perspective to what was going on in different parts of the timeline.





Resulted in



Ahh anagram poetry, definitely not my forté.