It's a bit amusing while at the same time disappointing how we can find elitism everywhere....From our neighbors, people at work, the local dive bar, and even some of the people we meet online... Even in groups that claim to be open and tolerant usually have smaller cliques within, that don't care to socialize with anybody, except their circle of friends. I mean I understand not every individual is as inclusive but to say "I have enough friends" or enough people in my life and that's the reason I refuse to meet anybody new or different is pathetic.
All I have to say is that I feel sorry for you.
And on that note, to my new friends, Thank you for adding me or letting me add you . I hope I'll get a chance to chat with you all soon.
I' hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
All I have to say is that I feel sorry for you.
And on that note, to my new friends, Thank you for adding me or letting me add you . I hope I'll get a chance to chat with you all soon.

I' hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

hmm... are you talking about someone in particular? but in the whole, I totally agree.