Got out of the field last night(again), by rucking 12 miles. The whole company rucked together instead of individually. 9 and a half miles of it was through sand which makes it more differcult. Then, while the rest of the company got off today, I had to go train on how to jump an AT-4 out of a plane. An AT-4 is an anti-tank rocket. I am hurting!
In the field, more roomclearing, building clearing, and movement between buildings. We were supposed to jump in but the jump got scratched.
While conducting an ambush I got stung in the small of my back by a hornet. Just my luck.
In the field, more roomclearing, building clearing, and movement between buildings. We were supposed to jump in but the jump got scratched.
While conducting an ambush I got stung in the small of my back by a hornet. Just my luck.
a HORNET?? I hear those are the most wicked of all stings
Im sorry babe, as if being in the army and having to do drills and shit like that isnt BAD ENOUGH as it is ... jesus. 

Israel isnt that big so i htink ive been to each majour site at least once in my life, and about our history..i think that you (as in the people that dont live here) take it more seriously than we do..