... don't seem so special when you're an adult, compared to when you were a child. The magic and wonder fades as we age and better come to understand the world as it is. Or is it just me over thinking the whole joke? This particular year is probably going to be the hardest I've ever had. Recently a quite long relationship I've been in has abruptly been ended without me wanting it to. I feel not so much depressed (believe me I had my sorrows) but very nostalgic of the beginning of it, much like my younger self and having that sense of wonderment around this time of year. The short days, long nights, and the cold (what little we have I live in south Texas btw) don't make being and living alone any better. I hope the next person I meet, whenever, however long it may be until that point in time can understand the person I am and also who I am not. I just hope one day I can look back at this period in my life right now and remember that it was but a fleeting moment in the grand scheme. I look forward to the future hoping to catch if but a bit of that childhood spirit once again someday. End rant.
Happy Holidays...