wow it's 4 am.... i didnt make it to the cakemix party
i'm sad!!!! i didnt get home until like 7ish and the traffic was so bad there was no way i was gonna make it plus i didnt even want to know how bad traffic home tomorrow would be
so...... i went out with my wifey and her sister and brad tonight... we get drunk and drove around yelling at people and looking for angelina jolie lol
i didnt see anyone tonight.... but, pdiddy had a party and the tickets were 350 to get in and he was sopossed to preform but he decided at 9:30 to through everyone out that wasnt famous
can you believe that? i would have been so pissed!!!!! But we went to 5 points and then to the metro
here are some pix.... oh and you can see what i did to my hair
how cute is that puppy????
this is holly, ter's sister whose puppy that is.... i went and met all 7 of her puppys when we dropped her off they were sooo cute
what do you think of my hair???
i am not sure yet myself
i miss my sg wifey jess call me doll!!!! night loveys!!!! xoxo <333

how cute is that puppy????

this is holly, ter's sister whose puppy that is.... i went and met all 7 of her puppys when we dropped her off they were sooo cute

what do you think of my hair???

i miss my sg wifey jess call me doll!!!! night loveys!!!! xoxo <333

you'll see your baby tonight *kisses*

totally awesome