la la la... work today was ok..... after work i didnt do much of anything i took a shower *and when i got out i took a few pix yay* i met up with brad... we went to publix and got some things and then we went out to eat at ruby tuesdays... and now here i am ; ) i am soooo terribly tired so i'm off to sleep! and here are some more pix
friday is sooooo close i can't wait!!! and i get to see miss jess woo hoo!!!
after shower pix:
on the phone with brad deciding what to do.....
and a pic teri took of me in orlando or a pic she took of my ass and how far it sticks out
night night lovleys!!!! xoxo <333

after shower pix:

on the phone with brad deciding what to do.....

and a pic teri took of me in orlando or a pic she took of my ass and how far it sticks out

night night lovleys!!!! xoxo <333


Lol you have a fantastic ass.
Stick out indeed! Crazy lady lol