hey everyone...
thanks for all the nice comments about the pix of me and my man Epstein!
here he is now...
he's a sick boy -- notice the tissues all over the floor? Pollywog and i keep telling him to get some Zicam, but he keeps forgetting! that stuff is awesome! she gave me some at the convention and i started feeling better in a couple of days. alas, the convention was over by then.
but, at least it worked!
Don't forget about my bday next weekend! i really hope a lot of you can make it out!! it's at Kira's bar ~ Wild Cherry's in Detroit. See the SGdetroit or SGOhio groups for the address and details!
i really hope a lot of you can make it out for Punk Nite on May 14th, too! this should be a lot of fun! i'm hoping to organize a dinner before the show for all the SGs that will be there. So, girls, let me know if you'll be able to make this and we can pick a time and place for it!
well, that's all for now. i've gotta go take care of my sick boy.
love to you all!

thanks for all the nice comments about the pix of me and my man Epstein!

here he is now...

he's a sick boy -- notice the tissues all over the floor? Pollywog and i keep telling him to get some Zicam, but he keeps forgetting! that stuff is awesome! she gave me some at the convention and i started feeling better in a couple of days. alas, the convention was over by then.

Don't forget about my bday next weekend! i really hope a lot of you can make it out!! it's at Kira's bar ~ Wild Cherry's in Detroit. See the SGdetroit or SGOhio groups for the address and details!

i really hope a lot of you can make it out for Punk Nite on May 14th, too! this should be a lot of fun! i'm hoping to organize a dinner before the show for all the SGs that will be there. So, girls, let me know if you'll be able to make this and we can pick a time and place for it!

well, that's all for now. i've gotta go take care of my sick boy.
love to you all!

last night I was mostly falling asleep, the TV was on, and what was on the TV???
your kick ass hanging chair, I woke up enough to say, there is Misery and Epstein's chair, did not wake up enough to figure out what show it was. here is all I can tell you...a snotty looking woman was drinking champagne while sitting in YOUR chair.
while you can drink champagne in your chair, you must drink cheep wine, or 40's of beer while sitting in my chair