hey everyone...
last night was lots of fun! Pollywog and simplehiker came to visit me at work.
i ♥ those two! they rock my world! Epstein came up a little later to join in on the fun, and we passed around a few "drunk stories." i think the hiker and Ep will have to take a tie on that ~ they were both pretty f-in bad!
i wore piggie tails to work yesterday. see.....
notice the fresh hair dye on my neck?? ha ha ha!
i just dyed it yesterday, and it bleeds when i wash it for a couple days after...
Thanks to Kira for organizing a bday bash for me! it will be at her bar, Wild Cherry's in Detroit. you can check it out in the SGdetroit or SGOhio groups. you all should come and help me celebrate!!
also, later this spring on May 14th will be Punk Nite in Troy, OH. Myself and quite a few other SGs will be there and Texas' band will be playing. You can check out more info in either the SGdetroit and SGOhio groups. i hope many of you will come to this as well! it will be a really wild time...there's rumor of a huge after party...
well, that's all for now. work again tonight, and then i'll be at the head shop tomorrow for a bit. i have no life!
love to you all!
last night was lots of fun! Pollywog and simplehiker came to visit me at work.

i wore piggie tails to work yesterday. see.....

notice the fresh hair dye on my neck?? ha ha ha!

also, later this spring on May 14th will be Punk Nite in Troy, OH. Myself and quite a few other SGs will be there and Texas' band will be playing. You can check out more info in either the SGdetroit and SGOhio groups. i hope many of you will come to this as well! it will be a really wild time...there's rumor of a huge after party...

well, that's all for now. work again tonight, and then i'll be at the head shop tomorrow for a bit. i have no life!

love to you all!

You're popular. And you look good in pigtails.
only if i could get the time off of work to come and meet you.....