hey everyone...
last night at the bar was weird.
at about 1:45, a group of bikers came into the bar. i get kinda nervous around bikers cuz i used to date a guy whose dad was in a biker gang and he used to tell me all kinds of horrendous stories about the shit that they would do.
so, they came in and sat down, and one of the guys was a real jerk ~ he started saying how he wanted to take me home, and how he wouldn't take no for an answer. i changed the subject and luckily he forgot about it for awhile. then, i looked at their jackets and realized that they were from the exact same gang as my ex's dad. so, that made me REALLY nervous....
but, all the guys except for one ended up being really cool. they taught me how to arm wrestle ~ it was actually pretty fun.
they were really nice to my wimpy looking boss, and they left when we told them it was time to go... well, pretty close to that time, at least. and when the a-hole guy started to get loud and try to start a fight with my manager, the "boss" guy in the group yelled at him and kept him in check.
So, i guess the moral of the story is you can't always believe what you hear, and don't judge a book by its cover.
love to you all
last night at the bar was weird.

so, they came in and sat down, and one of the guys was a real jerk ~ he started saying how he wanted to take me home, and how he wouldn't take no for an answer. i changed the subject and luckily he forgot about it for awhile. then, i looked at their jackets and realized that they were from the exact same gang as my ex's dad. so, that made me REALLY nervous....
but, all the guys except for one ended up being really cool. they taught me how to arm wrestle ~ it was actually pretty fun.

So, i guess the moral of the story is you can't always believe what you hear, and don't judge a book by its cover.

love to you all

Thanks. Hopefully it should. Yup, know what you mean, I sling booze too.
Ha-ha, I took off for the Motor City jobbie too!
Well, just the one day Saturday. And booked my room tonight too.

actually i think THE BRAVERY show in cleveland is on that sunday april 10th! so what can you tell me about them? what do they sound like, etc?