hey everyone,
well, yesterday sucked a fat one... some jackass rear-ended me (not ME, my CAR you sicko!)
yeah, the funny thing is i totally saw it coming. Epstein and i were on our way back from shopping for some new earrings, and 2 minutes before it happened, i turned to him and said "this guy's gonna fuckin hit me - i just know it." He was riding my ass like you wouldn't believe. Boy, was i ever right! he slammed into me full speed while we were stopped at a light. My head hit the steering wheel.
i hope i don't get a big fat bruise... the guy was such a jackass too. he was like "oh, sorry i slid right into you." I went off on him and he totally deserved it - we both knew there wasn't an inch of ice on the ground -- those streets had been salted and plowed. Then, the cop who took the accident report was a total stuck-up bitch. This, of course, just adds to my everlasting love for cops...
Yeah, then to make my day better, I found out my best friend's 19 year old cousin was killed in a car accident that same morning...
what a day for accidents!
Hope all your days were better!
I have to work tonight, so you Toledo people should come up to the bar and entertain me!
Before I go, to cheer us all up, here's some pix of my kitty humping his fave blanket....

love to you all!
well, yesterday sucked a fat one... some jackass rear-ended me (not ME, my CAR you sicko!)

Yeah, then to make my day better, I found out my best friend's 19 year old cousin was killed in a car accident that same morning...

Hope all your days were better!
I have to work tonight, so you Toledo people should come up to the bar and entertain me!
Before I go, to cheer us all up, here's some pix of my kitty humping his fave blanket....

love to you all!

saw your post in the kitties group and i guess, again here. i love how your kitty looks so determined. nice snaps.
take care, be well.
Anyway, The Hot Chick and I are totally into doing something with you and That Hot Guy With The Nosering, problem lies with her school/study schedule and my work/sleep schedule... There are a couple movies coming out that we wanna check out, so I really want to set up a little double date thang. We shall see.