Oh children, I've had such a terrible day. I stayed up until four this morning putting the finishing touches to a presentation I was going to present today... I thought... if I'm doing it at all, I may as well do it properly. So I stayed up making it look gorgeous, and make sense, completely confident that my hard work/sleep deprivation would pay off.
I got up at ten this morning, and got ready to go out at twelve which was absolutely fine.
Got on the bus, I had a feeling it was going to be a wonderful day. The bus had got there moments after I arrived at the bus stop, it was warm, clean, really lovely... I spotted a little piece of fluff that had landed on one of my stockings... absent-mindedly picked off the fluff, and snagged a massive hole in the stocking. Which laddered. And looked awful.
"Never mind!" I thought, it could have been worse after all. They were flesh-toned not black so a tear wouldn't show up so much, and they were stockings, not tights, so I'd only have to throw one away!
Got to the station. The shuttle train has been cancelled, and a coach service has been put on... with a slightly different timetable to the train. Got to the main station a teeny bit late and left only a very short amount of time to train it into Birmingham, trot to uni in time for my presentation. In the end, I got there on time - hooray! I was prepared, I had my presentation on a flash drive as well as a backup! Ingenious, no? Not that I'd ever had a problem before, but it's better to be safe than sorry, right?
Fuck that.
The fucking laptop at uni (running Vista - why?) ruined the files on both flashdrives, leaving me with a bunch of scattered images to pick my way through and try to make a halfway decent talk out of. This goes towards my dissertation, which goes towards my final marks. Bastard!
Journey home was pretty uneventful... but I arrived home cold, and shivering, and tired, and had a nap as soon as I landed back on a nice, squashy settee in my living room. Utter madness! I'm at uni tomorrow again, but that's it until after my holiday - genius.
Argh! Madness. How is everyone?
xxxxx x
Also! Ladies? Want to be part of my pin-up project?
For the final part of my project I'm making a pin-up calendar, I sometimes illustrate by drawing from collages like this >
So for this calendar, I want to make a collage to draw from out of some pictures of some lovely ladies, and end up with some gorgeous pin-up poses.
If you'd love to help me out, what I need is for you to email me at mail@iheartjoan.co.uk with your first name, and send me a photo of yourself, telling me which part of your body you like the most - that's the part I'll be using in the collage! Hopefully at the end I'll have made up twelve illustrations all out of the parts that women love most about themselves.
It can be anything! I've had people send me their legs, their eyes, their hands.
Let me know if you want to be part of my calendar. I think it'll be a really nice project
I got up at ten this morning, and got ready to go out at twelve which was absolutely fine.
Got on the bus, I had a feeling it was going to be a wonderful day. The bus had got there moments after I arrived at the bus stop, it was warm, clean, really lovely... I spotted a little piece of fluff that had landed on one of my stockings... absent-mindedly picked off the fluff, and snagged a massive hole in the stocking. Which laddered. And looked awful.
"Never mind!" I thought, it could have been worse after all. They were flesh-toned not black so a tear wouldn't show up so much, and they were stockings, not tights, so I'd only have to throw one away!
Got to the station. The shuttle train has been cancelled, and a coach service has been put on... with a slightly different timetable to the train. Got to the main station a teeny bit late and left only a very short amount of time to train it into Birmingham, trot to uni in time for my presentation. In the end, I got there on time - hooray! I was prepared, I had my presentation on a flash drive as well as a backup! Ingenious, no? Not that I'd ever had a problem before, but it's better to be safe than sorry, right?
Fuck that.
The fucking laptop at uni (running Vista - why?) ruined the files on both flashdrives, leaving me with a bunch of scattered images to pick my way through and try to make a halfway decent talk out of. This goes towards my dissertation, which goes towards my final marks. Bastard!
Journey home was pretty uneventful... but I arrived home cold, and shivering, and tired, and had a nap as soon as I landed back on a nice, squashy settee in my living room. Utter madness! I'm at uni tomorrow again, but that's it until after my holiday - genius.
Argh! Madness. How is everyone?
xxxxx x
Also! Ladies? Want to be part of my pin-up project?
For the final part of my project I'm making a pin-up calendar, I sometimes illustrate by drawing from collages like this >

So for this calendar, I want to make a collage to draw from out of some pictures of some lovely ladies, and end up with some gorgeous pin-up poses.
If you'd love to help me out, what I need is for you to email me at mail@iheartjoan.co.uk with your first name, and send me a photo of yourself, telling me which part of your body you like the most - that's the part I'll be using in the collage! Hopefully at the end I'll have made up twelve illustrations all out of the parts that women love most about themselves.
It can be anything! I've had people send me their legs, their eyes, their hands.
Let me know if you want to be part of my calendar. I think it'll be a really nice project
Happy Holidays!
