I'm not such a moodie minnie today - a little bit... but that's 'cause my cooking went a little wrong (turned out alright in the end but it was touch and go for a while)
I've only really been up to uni work to be honest, been in quite a lot for the past few weeks which has been... good on the work and friends front, bad on the boy front... 'cause of the dreaded ex and that boy that I like.
Work's been good though - I'm into the fourth week of my pinup project which is going... okay, it's been a slow starter but I think it'll be good. I've made a promotional illustration for myself for that and just been researching my dissertation really. I entered a competition (open to my entire class of forty, only three entered) to design a christmas card to represent the university. It was so much more commercial than my usual work but I thought it was good practice. It's a paid job too if I get it ^-^ I'm also doing a book cover and looking to enter some design awards this year so I'm pretty busy.
Other than that nothing else to report! I bought some shoes today
I'll post pics when I have some. HEARTS IT.
I've only really been up to uni work to be honest, been in quite a lot for the past few weeks which has been... good on the work and friends front, bad on the boy front... 'cause of the dreaded ex and that boy that I like.
Work's been good though - I'm into the fourth week of my pinup project which is going... okay, it's been a slow starter but I think it'll be good. I've made a promotional illustration for myself for that and just been researching my dissertation really. I entered a competition (open to my entire class of forty, only three entered) to design a christmas card to represent the university. It was so much more commercial than my usual work but I thought it was good practice. It's a paid job too if I get it ^-^ I'm also doing a book cover and looking to enter some design awards this year so I'm pretty busy.
Other than that nothing else to report! I bought some shoes today

ps, something recent from my website
Fingers crossed you win that comp - what did you do for your entry?
The shoes better be 100% justice