I had a pretty good outfit today:
I'd bought my coat last week and not worn it yet, I heart it so very very much. I wore that, a grey scarf, a pretty short black dress, a grey leopard cardi, black tights, over-the-knee grey socks (with cute lace and bows) and my red shoes.
It got mixed reactions really, one girl at uni in the canteen turned her head to watch me walk by and she looked pretty impressed by the socks, but two ladies in the street turned their head to watch me walk by and looked frankly shocked. I have no idea why - I was covered from neck to toe, so I wasn't exactly indecorous. I thought it was actually quite rude.
I got quite a lot of attention from men in it, though which is nice. I walked home in my mini-dress, a bracelet in the shape of s coiled snake on the one arm, a red crunchy apple in the other hand. The symbolism was not lost on me.
We had presentations today - nothing fancy, just talking about images that inspire us for this upcoming project but it took forever! I think it was about 10.00am until 2.30pm because there were so many of us, we have some new Malaysian students who are lovely but not so great at English so they took quite a lot of the time. It was quite interesting to see what their idea of illustration was compared to ours, they seemed to go for the more polished work that you see in America and Japan rather that a pretty eclectic, naive style that is so popular in Britain at the moment. My presentation went fine, and the last person to speak was... the boy. I've done such a good job of avoiding him so far, and this is the first time I've actually had to hear him speak since about June, I think... I just can't bear to hear his voice now, it really, really irritates me... and then when it was nearly all over, I felt something in my handbag moving, I could hear the intro to Ashes to Ashes - my ringtone! Oh no!
I did feel pretty bad for interrupting his presentation... but Bowie was a welcome break in the monotony of him pretending to have read Hamlet, and aspiring to be an illustrator that he so clearly can never be.
Bitch much?

I'd bought my coat last week and not worn it yet, I heart it so very very much. I wore that, a grey scarf, a pretty short black dress, a grey leopard cardi, black tights, over-the-knee grey socks (with cute lace and bows) and my red shoes.
It got mixed reactions really, one girl at uni in the canteen turned her head to watch me walk by and she looked pretty impressed by the socks, but two ladies in the street turned their head to watch me walk by and looked frankly shocked. I have no idea why - I was covered from neck to toe, so I wasn't exactly indecorous. I thought it was actually quite rude.
I got quite a lot of attention from men in it, though which is nice. I walked home in my mini-dress, a bracelet in the shape of s coiled snake on the one arm, a red crunchy apple in the other hand. The symbolism was not lost on me.
We had presentations today - nothing fancy, just talking about images that inspire us for this upcoming project but it took forever! I think it was about 10.00am until 2.30pm because there were so many of us, we have some new Malaysian students who are lovely but not so great at English so they took quite a lot of the time. It was quite interesting to see what their idea of illustration was compared to ours, they seemed to go for the more polished work that you see in America and Japan rather that a pretty eclectic, naive style that is so popular in Britain at the moment. My presentation went fine, and the last person to speak was... the boy. I've done such a good job of avoiding him so far, and this is the first time I've actually had to hear him speak since about June, I think... I just can't bear to hear his voice now, it really, really irritates me... and then when it was nearly all over, I felt something in my handbag moving, I could hear the intro to Ashes to Ashes - my ringtone! Oh no!
I did feel pretty bad for interrupting his presentation... but Bowie was a welcome break in the monotony of him pretending to have read Hamlet, and aspiring to be an illustrator that he so clearly can never be.
Bitch much?
Some of my secrets:
- when I was a wee one I would wear a hairband over my face and pretend to be Geordie La Forge off of Star Trek TNG
- I am shocking at navigating, even if it's somewhere I've been before I coerce friends into escorting me until I finally grasp a decent sense of where I'm going
- I secretly like when builders wolf whistle at me, and am a little insulted when they don't
Ashes to Ashes is your ringtone?
I'm in love