This is the most exciting thing that's happened lately ^
Miserabelle's Guide to Mysterious and Possibly Injured Pigeons:
- talk to it
- realise you don't know the correct manner to address a pigeon
- ask it if it's alright
- try to feed bread to it
- upon failing, balance bread on a leaf next to it, just in case it wants it later
- name it an ambiguous male/female name like Stevie, to avoid offending it
- stroke its tail
- giggle a lot
So yeah my sister and I found this pigeon in our garden... and when we got up close to it it didn't even bat an eyelid... just stopped there completely still. Previously we'd thought we'd heard it flapping its wings but it hadn't actually got anywhere so we wondered if it was injured. Being the super-prepared and concerned citizens that we are, we fetched some snip snips to cut away the weeds around it, so we could examine it further.
It didn't seem to be injured, or stuck particularly... but even when we got up close, it didn't move! We talked to it, which... wasn't particularly sensible or fruitful, we named it... tried to feed it. It didn't even try to peck me when I touched it so we were quite worried... it was gone the next day, I wonder where it went...
How mysterious xx
after analysing the fact i come to the conclusion of....GHOST PIGEON!
but the message unclear- maybe only feelings