I'm typing this through a thick film of Lemsip (other decongestant bleach-look-a-like flu drinks are available) so... deal with it, really! I'm better than I was, but still all throaty and blah. Managed to get out on Saturday for climbing with friends and I did so much better than I thought! I managed to get up a panel that I'd never done before so I'm pretty pleased with myself.
Should have some stuff for sale soon... and I've been working on inking digitally which is pretty amazing actually, it's like my style... but all ordered and neat and vaguely anatomically correct. Buggered if I know how to colour it properly though...
edit: here it is

you can see the full thing on my website
That's all really, just wanted to stress that I hadn't died yet D: xxx
Should have some stuff for sale soon... and I've been working on inking digitally which is pretty amazing actually, it's like my style... but all ordered and neat and vaguely anatomically correct. Buggered if I know how to colour it properly though...
edit: here it is

you can see the full thing on my website
That's all really, just wanted to stress that I hadn't died yet D: xxx
Thats a rather good pic miss!