I'm thinking of selling some originals... recycled art, like drawings on envelopes and card and that, would anyone be interested in buying? When I have some cash I'll probably be doing prints, as well. I'll post my etsy link when I have some stuff up, let me know what you think!
Urgh I thought I was sick before, I'm now losing my voice, all of my joints hurt, I'm that kind of ill where... even my skin feels painful if anything brushes against it. My sore throat kept me awake all night so that was a bit of a bitch. Anyone got a miracle cure for me?
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Urgh I thought I was sick before, I'm now losing my voice, all of my joints hurt, I'm that kind of ill where... even my skin feels painful if anything brushes against it. My sore throat kept me awake all night so that was a bit of a bitch. Anyone got a miracle cure for me?
xxxx xxx xxx x x x x x
Comics going ok, we're working on a four-page prequel to help get the style right.
Throat pain is the worst as sleep before inpossible. Lots of fluid, homey and lemon and a bit of asprin and codine should help ease things a little