I've fallen a little bit in love with the man who sold the world ... my sister bought the platinum collection and I can't stop listening to this song. That and the Velvet Goldmine soundtrack. I've come over all glittery and that.
This week I'm back at uni my work's on track and my tutors are really into my book that I'm illustrating, so fairly pleased. I encountered the boy today who doesn't appear to be washing his clothes judging by a fairly ominous odour. He did that ever irritating stunt of sitting next to my friends as though he can't make any of his own so I was pretty much forced to sit in the vicinity. We didn't talk much, he was showing off his phone to me as if it were of any consequence... I was much too busy with my 'bad weekend' shades which disguise the effects of insomnia in a crisis and kinda make me look like a hollywood starlet. My outfit got a "hello darlin'" off a biker today so I'm pretty pleased with myself even if I do look like a junkie in the mornings.
Today I took three separate editions of Alice in Wonderland out of the library to examine the illustrations for a presentation that I'm doing... and they're all fucking awful - really ugly or soulless, two of them had just taken the illustrations from the first edition and coloured them horribly which I'm completely unimpressed with. I infinitely prefer Arthur Rackham's plates... the details are amazing and the colours are kind of ominous which I think is really lacking in a lot of the newer editions that I've seen. Alice is creepy, and weird, and wrong... not twee and blue skied. That's what I got from it anyway.
I'm twenty next monday.
This week I'm back at uni my work's on track and my tutors are really into my book that I'm illustrating, so fairly pleased. I encountered the boy today who doesn't appear to be washing his clothes judging by a fairly ominous odour. He did that ever irritating stunt of sitting next to my friends as though he can't make any of his own so I was pretty much forced to sit in the vicinity. We didn't talk much, he was showing off his phone to me as if it were of any consequence... I was much too busy with my 'bad weekend' shades which disguise the effects of insomnia in a crisis and kinda make me look like a hollywood starlet. My outfit got a "hello darlin'" off a biker today so I'm pretty pleased with myself even if I do look like a junkie in the mornings.
Today I took three separate editions of Alice in Wonderland out of the library to examine the illustrations for a presentation that I'm doing... and they're all fucking awful - really ugly or soulless, two of them had just taken the illustrations from the first edition and coloured them horribly which I'm completely unimpressed with. I infinitely prefer Arthur Rackham's plates... the details are amazing and the colours are kind of ominous which I think is really lacking in a lot of the newer editions that I've seen. Alice is creepy, and weird, and wrong... not twee and blue skied. That's what I got from it anyway.
I'm twenty next monday.
Rackham is like gold, I love some of his work
And yay for birthdays, although i am dreading being 20 haha, it seems so old and grown up! x