The way I dress makes me happy, I'm getting more and more vintage-style clothes and I'm pretty good at doing my hair now in waves, I nearly always wear dresses and skirts, and I always wear stockings with them and the whole thing... I dunno it gets me noticed, I get so many more looks from boys and a lot more people complimenting me and asking me about my style when I'm in the city.
Living in a tiny town is... not so woo hoo. I happened to be walking home when the kids from my old secondary school were let out. I got at least one 'what are you wearing??' and probably more, but by that time I was listening to Russell Brand's podcast (love!) and I couldn't hear them, whiny little shits. I'm really confident with my style so that wasn't what bothered me... but how dare they? And really, with what they have to wear to school... they shouldn't be passing judgement. Seriously, who thought that black, blue and yellow was a good colour combination for a uniform? I just hate that people think that they have the right to try to undermine someone and talk to them like that, I put up with that shit for years when I was actually at school, I shouldn't have to now that I've left.
Speaking of, mom's made me a new dress today with one of the patterns that I bought. I need to go buy some buttons for it (where do you even get buttons from now? All the good dressmakers shops have closed) but it's so cute! It's a full-skirted 50s style button down dress made from pink candystriped cotton - I guess I'll take a picture of it when it's done.
Had more talks with the boy on monday, he "doesn't like" that we don't talk any more, and he "misses his friend" which to be honest is tough shit. He should get over what he wants, and think about what I want. God knows why he wants to talk to me, any time we do talk I'm not... exactly very nice to him. Not on purpose really... I just end up snapping, and I don't think that he should be surprised. I told him to back off and leave me alone, which worked until the end of Tuesday's lecture when he thought it was perfectly acceptable to catch up with me when I was walking to the station.
Maybe he has selective hearing? Or maybe he's just continuing to be a clingy idiot - either way it's become more and more of a nuisance.
xxxxxx x
Living in a tiny town is... not so woo hoo. I happened to be walking home when the kids from my old secondary school were let out. I got at least one 'what are you wearing??' and probably more, but by that time I was listening to Russell Brand's podcast (love!) and I couldn't hear them, whiny little shits. I'm really confident with my style so that wasn't what bothered me... but how dare they? And really, with what they have to wear to school... they shouldn't be passing judgement. Seriously, who thought that black, blue and yellow was a good colour combination for a uniform? I just hate that people think that they have the right to try to undermine someone and talk to them like that, I put up with that shit for years when I was actually at school, I shouldn't have to now that I've left.
Speaking of, mom's made me a new dress today with one of the patterns that I bought. I need to go buy some buttons for it (where do you even get buttons from now? All the good dressmakers shops have closed) but it's so cute! It's a full-skirted 50s style button down dress made from pink candystriped cotton - I guess I'll take a picture of it when it's done.
Had more talks with the boy on monday, he "doesn't like" that we don't talk any more, and he "misses his friend" which to be honest is tough shit. He should get over what he wants, and think about what I want. God knows why he wants to talk to me, any time we do talk I'm not... exactly very nice to him. Not on purpose really... I just end up snapping, and I don't think that he should be surprised. I told him to back off and leave me alone, which worked until the end of Tuesday's lecture when he thought it was perfectly acceptable to catch up with me when I was walking to the station.
Maybe he has selective hearing? Or maybe he's just continuing to be a clingy idiot - either way it's become more and more of a nuisance.
xxxxxx x
I think your style is awesome. These days people have forgotten how to dress, we have adopted this androgynous look where I can't tell if I am talking to a woman or a man, very strange. In the pre 50's men looked like men and woman like woman, not saying there politics were great but there style was awesome. And lets be honest what does a 14 year old know about style.
haha yeah redheads are the way to go!!! my ex red_tail used to get laughed at, when he cycled to work, by little kids coz his hair on his arms and legs were nearly fluorescent orange!!!