I've received a curious email from apple today: Dear Miss Miserabelle (totally my real name, for reals), Apple is pleased to certify that your claim for the back-to-school offer has been processed. Your rebate has been transferred to your bank account identified on your application.
I am tres tres confused.
In other news: I'm gonna get an armband for my ipod so I can listen to music whilst jogging/doing yoga/arsing about. Anyone have any good workout music suggestions? I'm thinking a little classical (but moody and dramatic, like Shostakovich. Nothing light) and some movie soundtracks. Maybe some glam rock actually... and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna end up listening to Russell Brand's radio2 podcast too.
I was listening to ole Russ on the train back from uni today (I travelled two hours there and back just for a half-hour lecture, which I was ten minutes late for because the clocks on uni's computers are inaccurate, and troublesome). I'm thinking listening to a comedy podcast on a crowded train might not convince the people surrounding me that I'm entirely the picture of mental health.
Train options for me therefore include:
- falling asleep
- giggling like a lunatic
I think I might be a little unusual.
xxxxxx x
I am tres tres confused.
In other news: I'm gonna get an armband for my ipod so I can listen to music whilst jogging/doing yoga/arsing about. Anyone have any good workout music suggestions? I'm thinking a little classical (but moody and dramatic, like Shostakovich. Nothing light) and some movie soundtracks. Maybe some glam rock actually... and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna end up listening to Russell Brand's radio2 podcast too.
I was listening to ole Russ on the train back from uni today (I travelled two hours there and back just for a half-hour lecture, which I was ten minutes late for because the clocks on uni's computers are inaccurate, and troublesome). I'm thinking listening to a comedy podcast on a crowded train might not convince the people surrounding me that I'm entirely the picture of mental health.
Train options for me therefore include:
- falling asleep
- giggling like a lunatic
I think I might be a little unusual.
xxxxxx x
Sometimes my fave songs can make me burst into a huge goofy smile, and it's usually at the wrong time and randoms think I'm smiling at them. It gets complicated