Small, cute and clearly evil mixing up cowboy boots with that outfit is clearly a stroke of genius.
I read up all the Rinoa is Ultimecia stuff. It melts my mind, but I like how they've left it open. Even Squall being Laguna's son isn't really touched upon. That's the beauty of 8, it's so... understated
Your powers on Gitaroo Man shall be tested one day. Mwa ha ha. I'm a real big fan of Puma. He's so sick And the end exchange between U-1 & Zowie might be the best thing I have ever seen. Ever
walking in NYC or in my own town
all the ladies are in them.
you look fabulous young lady- fabulous!
I read up all the Rinoa is Ultimecia stuff. It melts my mind, but I like how they've left it open. Even Squall being Laguna's son isn't really touched upon. That's the beauty of 8, it's so... understated
Your powers on Gitaroo Man shall be tested one day. Mwa ha ha. I'm a real big fan of Puma. He's so sick
Oh hell and the legendary theme too..